Rather than obsess over each day's similarities and differences, I am very active during the day. Also, when I had a headache by late afternoon, I knew I was turning a corner. My brain boosted the process of lymphatic clean up.
So, this gave me time to think. Why now? I have been mowing the lawn all summer. Why was this the time have a to flare up in my back. I did take a fall in the kitchen the other day too. Adding insult to injury is the saying...
I've taken other falls that didn't leave me stiff and limited. Why now? This is the question that helps you think about the recent stresses that have primed the brain into a fight or flight event.
Why now?
I could blame the humid weather. It very easily saps my energy. But it's been humid for two months. I've also considered this humid time of year just might be a trigger based on a prior memory of a past stressful event.
The brain wants to be efficient. It if believes today's combination of stressors resembles a prior experience, it will initiate the protective stage of fight or flight. If anything is a subtle reminder, but not related, the brain picks up on it anyway. Guilty by association, you could say.
If the humid weather is a subtle key that opens up the flood gates of a past memory, it's possibly happening to me now. You can't blame the brain. It's just looking for clues from your past resolutions.
A major life change such as a death in the family, job loss, or close call with a major health crisis has a lasting impact on the brain. Even if you worked through it and have a sense of calm about it, your brain may have a slight sensitivity if your current stresses fall into place a certain way. If today's events perk up the brain as a similar connection, the brain ignites the fight or flight response. And off you go!
What is my point here with all this? The brain is a big catalog storage unit. It learns from every experience in your life.
Knowledge of the brain allows us to be a better partner with it.
Nerves that fire together wire together.
Psychology and biology are wired together for your survival.
For me, I took a stroll down memory lane and evaluated some prior events that took place over 20 years ago. I acknowledged to myself a repetitive pattern of things that concern me.
The humid weather is an innocent bystander, but it lights up your senses, that's for sure.
While I've had trouble sleeping at night, this morning (8/27) I realized I slept all night on my back. This is progress. Yay! It was a seven day period of me scratching my head telling myself to be more patient with myself. Actually rebuilding of tissue takes time. Pain can go away in an instant. Right? A strong drug. A huge amount of alcohol.... that will numb pain. But, the necessary rebuilding can't be rushed.
You are perfection. The genius of the nervous system can't be rushed.
Your interest in chiropractic means you want to be a better partner with your brain. The adjustment is the most profound way to disrupt a pattern so you can instill a new better pattern.
You don't have to live on auto-pilot and hope for the best.
Be a partner with your own brain......Marvelous!!