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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Thank You for Sharing Your Life with Me

This month I am taking time to look back at my years in practice to thank all my wonderful practice members who have shared their lives with me. I am very blessed to know each of you.

I have been privileged to witness the good and bad with my practice members such as celebrating their personal successes and giving them my shoulder during their sorrows.

I have been able to watch people blossom into a new vibrancy as they recovered their health. For many it is like watching a snake shed its old skin and reveal the new as they open up to a unique way of recalibrating the mind and body.

I have also accompanied folks on their journeys into the next world. Some were terminal and fighting to make every day count. Others reached an age where they were longing to reunite with with loved ones who had departed this life too early.

Parents desiring to give their children a super head start in life bring their infants and toddlers in for care. High school students crafting their athletic skills for an ambitious launch into college sports also make the commitment to chiropractic. I have been honored to adjust the spines of four generations in one family.

Not only do I work with all ages, I see many folks who struggle with chronic pain. They cope the best they can despite the high amount of stress burdening their health. I hear in their voices how the psychological sting of pain seems to take a greater toll on them than their damaged bodies do.

Those who decide to try chiropractic care for the first time are not sure how their bodies will respond. Healing is very personal and one size does not fit all. With the scientific understanding of anatomy
and physiology, the art of chiropractic must still be practiced differently from one person to another.

So I thank them for their sense of adventure and feeling that they can find a healthier self underneath the weight of life's challenges. It is their commitment that warms the office and sends smiles out the door.

As the year closes and 2015 approaches, typically we all look ahead and consider new goals. Should I have a bigger office? Maybe I need more adjusting rooms. I definitely need more shelf space.

But I quickly turn back to the realization that I can only adjust one spine at a time. I can't be in two places at once, and people don't want to feel like a number.

Someone told me a few weeks ago how she watched people come into the office beat up and flustered and then leave with a renewed spring in their step. I hadn't noticed something like that in a long time because I am busy adjusting the next person in line.

So, again, I say thank you, to all my practice members who want to be better on the inside and outside. They know what I mean when I tell them to take their renewed energy and go set the world on fire.