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Tuesday, June 02, 2015

(Auburn, NY) Tough Love

In last month's article I gave a pep talk hoping to inspire folks to turn over a new leaf. After all we are highly anticipating the transition from winter to spring. Have you done anything about it yet?

If not, let's do away with the warm fuzzies and go into tough love mode. I know what it's like to procrastinate. So, let me ask: which warning signal will you actually take seriously?

The body speaks a language of warning signals that hopefully can be translated appropriately. Many warning signals are ignored. Like the check engine light on a car, for example. I've been told it's not really critical until the light actually blinks. Good advice? Cars can be towed or replaced, but I don't want to gamble like that with the my health.

Warning signals can be obvious or elusive. Symptoms like chest pain, loss of speech and coordination are clearly emergency situations. Other symptoms such as a nagging pain or fatigue leave doctors scratching their heads when tests and labs don't confirm a specific disease.

The chiropractic point of view is one that asks why wait? Why wait for a health scare? Chiropractic teaches us to take prevention to a new level.

According to neurophysiology, every disease, infirmity, and illness is related to the nervous system's ability to respond and recover. While the brain and spinal cord catalog and control all of the body's reactions to stress, the spinal column does its best to protect the spinal pathways that link the brain with the rest of the body.

In general, the public overlooks the special healing partnership of the spine and nerves, in just the same way that we tend to ignore the body's warning signs. What are these warning signs?

If you ever say you are stressed or you just can't do the same activities anymore, you are already struggling with a partial power outage in your nervous system.

Lack of energy, stiff joints, tight muscles, poor sleep, uncomfortable walking, bent over posture, and irritated mood are just a few signs from the short list. These warning signs are not necessarily diseases, but they are diseases in the making because spinal stress distorts nerve messages and shuts down healing.

Incidentally, the ultra preventive personality types know that nerves can be under stress without symptoms because soft tissues may not yet be broken down enough to illicit pain.

Spring is around the corner and a few people have already remarked to me they are not in shape to tackle yard clean up. They are still weakened from recent illnesses. Winter stress has taken a toll on our spine and nerves.

Chiropractic offers its unique approach with the spinal adjustment. Hand adjustments to the spine release nerve tension and help extinguish negative patterns memorized by the nervous system.

Don't feel overwhelmed by the body's warning signals. It is now a great time to learn how chiropractic recharges the nervous system so all the other body systems can flourish.

(Auburn, NY) I Won't Change If I Actually Have to Do Something

I will only change if it doesn't disrupt my life too much. Who hasn't said this? We're all guilty of feeling this way. I hear paraphrased versions of this all the time from folks in my office. Along with negative body language they display facial expressions of pure panic.

I suppose if change was easy we'd try a new adventure everyday. Somehow regular life gets in the way.

From the viewpoint of health care, positive health changes can open the door to bigger and better things but there's that resistance to the unknown that overwhelms logic.

Generally when someone needs to make a health change it involves giving up an unhealthy habit and taking on a better habit. It requires a change in time management. It can certainly be risky to relationships when family members are not supportive.

Why bother disrupting your life when there could be negative side effects? Change will always disrupt life as you currently know it. There is the irony.

The statistics confirm the difficulty. At John Hopkins, Dr. Edward Miller reported a decade ago that heart patients who are told they need to change their lifestyle simply do not do it. Ninety percent fail to make the recommended health changes. It was concluded death is too scary to think about so patients preferred denial.

Enter Dr. Dean Ornish in the equation. He tirelessly rolled up his sleeves showing heart patients how to make change enjoyable rather than drudgery. He achieved a 77% success rate utilizing a support system with activities that worked on both the body and the mind.

His program is a serious immersion. It runs close to ten weeks, two to three times a week for four hours a day. It is major change. Do you need to pack your bags for boot camp and say good bye to loved ones? Maybe not.

We can get right down to the biggest reason change is difficult. Our neurology. We can feel trapped by patterns entrenched in the nervous system. New patterns are rejected by the brain's comfort zone unless they are immersed.

Now let's get to that chiropractic thing. We use the chiropractic adjustment to extinguish old patterns and reinforce productive patterns. The improved patterns promote healing and homeostasis by increasing oxygen, reducing inflammation, balancing blood pressure, normalizing brain waves and calming the fight or flight response.

When your body feels energized and strong, you can work on the other desired changes you want to make in your life. Your personal immersion plan should include activities that nurture physical and mental health. Interestingly, chiropractic helps both.

Change is often seen as a losing battle. Rather than figuratively dipping a toe in the water, Dr. Ornish believes diving in is what brings success. If you're ready for the dive, get the supports lined up that will help you stay immersed.

Let chiropractic help unravel the negatives that hold you back. This kind of nervous system support will help the body and mind welcome your new changes.