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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Want Success? Copy the Successful.
The last installment was Daily Goals vs. Long Term goals and we differentiated the many types of goals. Understanding these differences allows for a better action plan. How many of us have action plans that don't produce? It's usually because we are stuck and end up procrastinating.
Daily habits are the precursors of achieved goals. Our e-course discussed the importance of daily health habits helping us meet our goals. Jsut today, I came across Debra Moorhead's blog that touches on this topic of being successful:
It is too bad I did not find it before the e-course ended. I will definitely include it in the next class. Enojy!
The Numbers Don't Lie Diet
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
More Subluxated Health News.....Pasta Good for You or Not?
subluxated health news contain inaccuracies. Let me help you make sense of it.
On a box of elbow macaroni I read information about it being a good carb. Pasta is considered to have a moderate effect on blood glucose levels and it is low on the glycemic index. Pasta is not "readily" converted into sugar, it states on the label. Low glycemic foods are digested slowly so they satisfy hunger.
(One basic fact of biochemistry is any unused glucose(a form of sugar) in the body is stored as fat. The body in its wisdom can convert protein, fat, and carbohydrates to glucose and any of it can be stored if the body does not use it up fairly quickly. That is why we need to eat just what the body needs. Any excess is just that, excess, and it is very nicely saved for later as body fat. Body fat is not the same as dietary fat.)
It all sounds fairly accurate, however, let me dissect some of these sentences:
Pasta is not converted to does get converted into glucose, which is a sugar used for energy. Any energy not used in a certain amount of time is stored as body fat. In the body's great wisdom it can convert protein, dietary fat, and carbohydrates to glucose for energy and store any of it that is excess...excess body fat.
My box of elbow macaroni has only 8% of fiber per serving. There are 41 grams of total carbohydrates in 1/2 cup of macaroni. There are 12 grams of carbohydrates in 1/2 cup of Pepsi. We are driven to over eat carbohydrates because the brain doesn't know when to shut off the appetite like it does with protein and fat.
Sometimes a low glycemic food is not a good choice to eat. If you included other high fiber foods with the macaroni it will help. If a small serving of macaroni is eaten, that is good too, since the calories can add up if more than 1/2 cup is eaten.
For a better look at carbohydrates, the glycemic load demonstrates the actual carb content, not how fast it is absorbed in the body. This is why watermelon is high on the glycemic index and has a low glycemic load.
David Mendosa's website has a great chart that shows the GI and GL of foods:
...and pasta has a high glycemic load.
So, the label on my box of macaroni is not lying, but if I really want to look balance my diet, pasta should be eaten moderately, such as once a week and with a lot of high fiber vegetables with it.
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Subluxated Mind & Body: Healing Should Always Be On Your Mind
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As you know chiropractic is concerned with how well you are healing. We discuss in the office how the ability to heal determines how healthy someone can be.
We are always healing, as long as we are alive, however...we may not be healing well.
Every stress in your life leaves a "subluxation footprint" on your spine which in turn changes the way your nervous system responds to stress.
Hans Selye, the father of stress felt when the body could no long "put up with" (my lingo) the compounding effects of stress, death results. He called it the Exhaustion Stage.
More on Dr. Selye:
Subluxations of the spine result from chemical, emotional, and physical traumas over a person's lifetime. Healing is greatly hampered when subluxations interfere with healthy nervous system function.
How do you know you are subluxated?
Your health history is more revealing than how you feel.
You can feel fine and have underlying subluxations slowly and unknowingly changing your health.
1. A history of falls, fractures, injuries, car accidents (even minor ones), sports injuries, recreational injuries, head injuries.
2. Pregnancies
3. Difficult birth
4. Childhood illnesses
5. Vaccinations
6. Poor diet
7. Emotional stresses
8. Chemical exposures
9. Adult illness that need regular maintenance such as thyroid disorders, diabetes, asthma, etc.
10. Educational difficulties
What's next? Get a chiropractic evaluation.
If it has been a month or longer since you have seen a chiropractor, get back on track. It takes less than 48 hours for subluxations to start the degeneration process.
How well would you like to heal? Your future healing depends on how you take care of your subluxations now.
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Subluxated Health News: When the Truth Is Cloudy
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Subluxated Health News is misinformation you need to be aware of so you can make proper health care decisions.
Yesterday while driving I heard a news report on the radio about saturated fats not being the villain they were touted to be all these years. I went home to google it so I could add the link here in the newsletter.
I am having trouble finding it so I think it is going to take me a while. I have to refine my search and try to find out what journal published it. If anyone knows, please let me know.
I was not all that fearful of saturated fats. In a balanced diet consisting of "natural" meats that are baked or broiled, these saturated fats are needed for the body.
This news release is not news anyway. Dr. Mercola was talking about this 3 years ago. In fact, he calls the misinformation "Hogwash!" and I don't blame him.
One of the best books on healthy eating is Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon
I saw her in person a few years ago when she spoke at an organic farming convention at the Waterloo Holiday Inn. She exposes the political inaccuracies that we are inundated with regarding the foods on our grocery store shelves. Many health care professionals are very emotionally stuck on these inaccuracies and unintentionally teaching wrong concepts about nutrition. That may be why most avoid talking about it at all.
Please be an informed consumer and learn all you can on your own. I began my search for the best health information more than 14 years ago and it lead me to the chiropractic profession. As I continue educating myself, I will be here to help you sort through the news releases and media bombardment.
Here is an interesting review of Sally Fallon's book. When someone says, "This book saved my health," it is worth taking a look at it.
More from Dr. Mercola:
Another good website:
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
Seven's A Lucky Number
Seven seems to be a lucky number when you are looking to do great things with your life. Take a look at these three articles with the magic 7...
- The Seven Questions That Will Change Your Life
- The Seven Secrets to Time Management Success
- Seven Questions to Tap into the Limitless Power of Your Subconscious Mind
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Seven Questions That Will Change Your Life
by Alex Shalman
Self reflection should be more than a minor consideration if you’re serious about personal growth. I can testify that it’s worked wonders for me, for grounding myself and evaluating my life’s progress. How else am I supposed to make improvements, if I don’t know where I’ve gone wrong in the past? Many people try to ignore past errors, but then history repeats itself, as we all know.Here are some questions that I find useful to use for self reflection. The format that I use is that of a weekly self assessment and reflection journal. Try it yourself, ask yourself the following questions Sunday night, when your week is complete.
1. What will I try to improve on next week?
2. What was I most proud of this week?
3. What was my biggest accomplishment this week?
4. What have I done to get closer to my life goals this week?
5. What was hard for me this week, and why?
6. What was my biggest waste of time this week?
7. What did I do this week that made me ashamed?
By answering these questions for myself in my writing journal, or journal diary as it is sometimes called, I force myself to take a hard look at myself. I may spend months or years treading water, not getting anywhere, if I didn’t take this time to analyze myself.
For me a week is enough time to pull myself back if I’ve gotten too far off-course. If I’ve stopped exercising for a week, I would be ashamed of myself, and my weekly review would get me to the gym first thing Monday morning.
By recording things that made me proud and that I consider my biggest accomplishments, I can emulate them in the future. The benefit for me is that these are the things that make me feel good and are likely taking me towards my life goals.
I record the activities that I’ve found to be hard during the week. Maybe it was a test, or a work out at the gym. I can then analyze where I went wrong, or right. A test being hard could mean that I wasn’t prepared enough, or it was meant to be a challenging critical thinking exam. A hard day at the gym could mean that I’ve let myself get out of shape, or I’m over working myself. I can make adjustments for the following week and plan accordingly.
What things will you discover yourself if you stare these seven hard questions dead in the eyes?
Read more at Alex's blog:
Top 7 Secrets To Time Management Success
By Sue Brenner
Is your schedule jam-packed? Is your day overloaded with meetings, managing your business, planning for the future and day-to-day work? Do you get to the end of the day and wonder what you really accomplished? Is your work day overflowing into your home life?
Do you wish you could get a handle on time management once and for all, so you could run your life rather than your life running you?
You’re not alone. Don’t let the march of time spin you into a tizzy of stress and desperation. Apply these top 7 secrets and watch your time expand to include what’s most important to you.
Secret 1: Prioritize—Put your “rocks” in first.
What’s most important to you? Building your business? Getting a promotion? Leaving work at 5 p.m.? You need to focus on your priorities—the things that matter the most to you. Identify your top priorities right now. These are the “rocks” that you put in your schedule before adding lower-priority items.
Secret 2: Target your action.
Do your action items line up with your priorities—the rocks—that you just defined? If they don't, you’re spending your time on non-priorities. Once you determine what the rocks are, scan your vast to-do list.
Hone in on 3 rocks that you will accomplish today. For example: (1) Work on new project, (2) Contact 10 past clients, (3) Have meeting with boss about promotion.
Go to work on these priority tasks. When you complete them address other to-dos. Don’t get side-tracked by unimportant things. Learn to prioritize and stick to your list. Be honest and productive about what you really need to get done now.
Secret 3: Focus your mind first.
Consider focusing your mind as a warm-up before stepping onto the field. When you wake up, do you hit the snooze bar 7 times? When you do finally get up, do you jump out of bed, gulp a cup of coffee and run out the door? How you start the morning is a reflection of how you live your life. Instead, start your day with 15 minutes in which you focus your mind in solitude. Your brain will sharpen and your productivity will increase just from this one step.
Secret 4: Take something off your plate.
OK. You’ve calmed your mind in the morning. You feel sharp and ready to go. Now look at your week, your month, your entire work schedule and remove something. Review the things you do regularly that consume too much of your time or drain you. Do you have to do them personally? Can you outsource them? Are these things important, or are you just in the habit of doing them without thinking? Remember the priorities that you set in Secret 1. The truth is, there are many things on your lists that are not urgent and not important. Remember: just because you’re good at it doesn’t mean you have to do it!
Secret 5: Complete something you’ve been putting off.
Shorten your to-do list. If you let things pile up, they’ll rob you of time when you need it most. Get something done that’s been on your list day after day. This will immediately refuel your energy and free up mental space to focus on priorities. Clear off your desk or return a phone call. Then pause and take a moment to enjoy the satisfaction of getting things done. Take one hour this week to complete something you’ve been putting off.
Secret 6: Declare yourself complete.
“Finish each day and be done with it.”
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Business consultant Tex Johnstone says this step is key. If you face the end of the day and 185 unanswered e-mails still sit in your inbox, say to yourself, “I declare myself complete.” This sends a signal to your brain that you’re done. Free yourself to let go and move on with the rest of your day. Your days could, and sometimes do, extend into twelve, fourteen or even more hours. Save time for the rest of your life too. You’ll be happier. And more productive.
Secret 7: Accept that you can’t do it all at once.
“What? But I want to do it all!” you may say. This one can be hard to agree to—especially if you’re passionate about work and life. But remember that what you take on can take place over a period of time. It doesn’t all have to occur right now. Once you realize—and accept—that you can’t do it all right now, you’ll experience immediate relief and free up new hours in your week. Do what matters most with quality, then move on to the next thing.
Now that you’ve discovered these 7 secrets to time management, schedule time for one, two or three of them into your calendar today. Start practicing these skills right away. You’ll spend less stress and energy on things that don’t matter, and gain more time for the important things in life.
Sue Brenner, Performance Coach and author, wants you to get the most out of life and work. That’s why she wrote “The Naked Desk: Everything you need to strip away clutter, save time and get things done” - While you’re there, get her free eZine, “Ignite Your Life.”
Copyright 2007, Sue Brenner.
Editors, publishers & webmasters: You may reprint these articles free of charge if you follow the reprint guidelines on our website, under the “articles” tab.
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7 Questions To Tap Into The Limitless Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
By Saleem Rana
When you map out what you want, you let go of the trivial tasks that clutter up your thoughts. When you focus on achieving a definite major purpose, your life will assume an energy and unity that will be exhilarating. Self-discipline will appear spontaneously.
You can prime your subconscious to tell you what you really want in your life.
Here are a seven questions you could ask yourself to be clear on your major definite purpose in life.
1. Questions about your interests. What do you enjoy doing? What things do you do well? Can you isolate one of these things that you enjoy and do well and make it into a definite major purpose? What is your magnificent obsession? What gifts do you bring to this planet? How would you like to be remembered?
2. Questions about meaning. Why do you want to do this? How will it bring out the best in you? How will it benefit others? How will it sustain you? Can you make money at it?
3. Questions about resources. What resources do you need? How much time and money do you need to start? What do you need to learn? Do you need to go back to school? Do you need to join an organization? Do you need to purchase special equipment? Do you need to move to another city to find the best opportunity?
4. Questions about support. Who can help you? Who is an expert in this field? Do you need to learn from their books? Do you need to attend a class they are offering? Do you need to spend time with them in person?
5. Questions about persistence. How can you stay true to your mission? How will you motivate yourself when things go wrong? How much endurance do you have? How will you resist the temptation to give up when obstacles arise?
6. Questions about completion. When will you achieve this goal? What steps might be involved? How long do these steps take? How will you know when you’ve finally achieved your dream?
7. Questions about models. Who else has done this? How did they do it? How long did it take? Did they have more or less opportunity than you when they first started?
When you have your moment of inspiration, which will occur because of your focused attention, you can write out a contract to yourself.
In this contract, state your major definite aim and the time you expect to acquire it.
Now read your statement to yourself–twice a day, out loud, with passion and conviction. This procedure will activate your mind to come up with answers and it will motivate you to take action.
Although this process is easy to understand and simple to apply—don’t underestimate it. When you awaken your subconscious mind, you awaken powerful thoughts and feelings that will propel you to the future you desire. You will be able to change any limiting situations. You will be able to transform your life. Life is too short to be miserable, too short to deny yourself the life of your dreams.
You can keep this energy of vital purpose alive by reading your self-promise to yourself upon arising and before going to bed.
Saleem Rana got his Masters degree in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life
Copyright 2004 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.
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The Numbers Don't Lie Diet
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Fibromyalgia Book Discusses the Subluxation Connection to Poor Health
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If you do not have fibromyalgia, you still have to be concerned about your subluxations, especially the silent subluxations.
Dr. Whitcomb's book has just been released.
A while ago I shared the link to Dr. Whitcomb's information on fibromyalgia. He is just one of the chiropractic pioneers who making known to the public how head trauma profoundly changes the health of the spine as well as overall health.
If you look at my website you will find research by Dr. Erin Elster on MS and Parkinson's Disease and she also correlated their subluxations to her patients' health histories of head trauma.
Chiropractors never underestimate the subtle changes of minor head injuries. You may be sore for a little while and then forget about it, but your spine has just absorbed an impact that begins the degeneration process. That is why I ask you about any accident, injury or surgery you remember.
I often talk about subluxation compensation: what happens over time as your body tries to accommodate to these changes. Negative patterns develop and we want to change them before permanent damage takes hold.
If you do not have fibromyalgia, you still have to be concerned about your subluxations, especially the silent subluxations.
Ask me to review this information with you at your next appointment.
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Sunday, March 11, 2007
Your Car & Your Spine: Who's Behind the Wheel (of Wellness)?
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I like to use car analogies to help people understand the seriousness of subluxations on their spines. Cars are crucial to our everyday functioning because we need them for getting to work, school, and visit Aunt Martha in Vermont.
We understand perfectly why maintenance on our cars pays off in big ways for us. Oil changes, spark plugs, air filters, and tire pressure get checked and replaced on a regular basis. It protects us from being stranded on the highway late at night and can save lives by preventing motor vehicle accidents.
Salt is not the car's best friend. In fact, we can get quite obsessed about it because salt is unavoidable in the winter. Salt gets inside on the floor and under the car. Even with modern manufacturing, rust still takes hold, although it may not be as obvious or detrimental to safety (like falling through the floor of the car--my foot nearly did that once).
Subluxations are similar. When spinal joints are injured by physical stress, dietary stress, and hormonal wear and tear initiated by emotional stress (probably the worst kind of stress on the spine) they lose normal mobility which harms the nerves, muscles, blood flow, and bone density. It's just as quiet as rust and not noticeable at first.
Reducing subluxations before they are noticeable is the easiest way to take care of this problem. That's where the regular maintenance comes in. Car parts can be replaced. An entire care can be replaced. Humans, on the other hand, cannot be replaced and our bodies do not care for artifical parts. Even with the remarkable improvements in artificial joints, the body knows the difference between living tissue and something that is not.
Many chiropractors believe it is a waste and unethical to adjust people who are not in pain, but the earliest signs of subluxations are not painful. Dirty oil in a car doesn't do critical damage early on, but why wait??
The Chiropractic DNA Study published in 2005 shows the differences between "well adjusted people" and those who do not get adjusted.
Read it here:
The Numbers Don't Lie Diet
Shopaholic Fun
Sunday, March 04, 2007
The Law of Distraction
The Law of Attraction has gotten a lot of popular press lately thanks to Larry King and Oprah:
The law of attraction sounds so simple: what you focus on will be your reality. It takes practice if we've been trained to live by limiting beliefs of some sort. Just being able to live in a crowded society with numerous regulations to protect us can stifle our natural curiosity and creativity. We have plenty of man-made laws. The law of attraction is a great reminder of the natural laws.
When we ignore the natural laws, we are swimming in the "law of distraction." How often do we get enveloped in the negativity around us? This negativity prevents us from experiencing true health, happiness and balance.
- The news reminds us of negativity every hour on the hour
- Peers and friends who want others to share in their misery
- Gossip
- Poor health as a result of expecting it as a part of life or a part of aging
The law of distraction pries us away from what we want to do that we know is good. Every negative conversation, TV or radio show, thought, etc. distracts us from our personal power.
Let your chiropractic experience be a postive influence in your life that allows you to seek out the positive everywhere you go.
More on the law of distraction:***************************************
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