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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Why I Do What I Do

(Don't forget the  Harness Your Habits Videos)
People are hooked on suffering.  That's why I do what I do. 

I have found people dwell on their problems for a long time.  They replay negativity over and over in their minds.  They dissect their challenges hoping they will find mental relief.

This is beyond inaction.  This is a double-whammy.  Why make it worse?

We are equipped to heal.  So, let's support healing.

It's simple.
Subluxations are life altering.

Clear out the subluxation. Give healing a chance.

Like a garden that needs weeding, keep clearing out your subluxations.

 Experience the real you.

You can help yourself in so many ways, but you've got to get right to the place that is your inner most source of personal power: your nervous system.

Watch the new member orientation and join a focused group of people who are dedicated to becoming better versions of themselves


Sunday, January 08, 2017

Harness Your Habits Transform Your Life: Lesson 2

Build Upon Your Current Successes
Dissect Your Day
Dedicated to the practice members who say, "I can't get healthy.  I can't  feel better about myself.  I feel defeated.  I don't have time."  I know it's a challenge. Let's take a different approach.  Albert Einstein recommends it. Remember his quote about insanity?

Watch the Intro Video

Watch Lesson 1

Audio Summary for Lesson 2
**  (Make sure you pick up a copy of the study guide at your maintenance visit)
**  Why dissecting your day helps you gain confidence
**  Understanding the habit categories so you can compress and condense your brain's wiring.  
** Introducing the three levels of Harnessing Your Habits....going deeper with your accomplishments. 

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Harness Your Habits Transform Your Life Lesson 1

What's in store for lesson 1?
Dedicated to the practice members who say, "I can't get healthy.  I can't  feel better about myself.  I feel defeated.  I don't have time."  I know it's a challenge. Let's take a different approach.  Albert Einstein recommends it. Remember his quote about insanity?
               Self Discovery Begins 

Don't forget to pick up your study guide at the office.

Do you realize your brain is a powerful tool for life enhancement, yet we don't do enough to really kick it into gear?  (Did you watch the introduction?)

Audio summary:         
  • Lesson One  presents the attitudes that inspire action
  • There are 6 parts to this lesson.  Part 1, 2, 3 are included on the video.  Parts 4, 5,  and 6 are presented to you at your office visit. 
  • Part 1: Own the passion to learn.
  • Part 2: You can only fit so much on your plate.  Fill your plate wisely.
  • Part 3: Know your weaknesses.  Plan ahead for them, have a safety net or cushion in place as needed. 
  • Parts 4, 5, and 6 will be discussed at your next office visit. (They are EXTRA-intriguing, so don't miss out.)
  • Take notes, write down your questions. 
  • Lesson 2 will dive into The Steps.  This is where you really roll up your sleeves.  
  • The three levels of harnessing your habits will also be introduced in Lesson 2. 

Harness Your Habits Transform Your Life: Intro

Welcome to Harness Your Habits/Transform Your Life

Transform Your Life Without Trepidation

Dedicated to the practice members who say, "I can't get healthy.  I can't  feel better about myself.  I feel defeated.  I don't have time."  I know it's a challenge. Let's take a different approach.  Albert Einstein recommends it. Remember his quote about insanity?
Babies use a fabulous technique that we tend to corrupt and mishandle after age 4.  

This is the INTRO video.   (Don't forget your study guide)

Audio summary:

1- Our 2017 Theme is FFT: Free/Feed/Train
2- We can train our brain by harnessing our habits. 
3- We don't need to focus on bad habits.  We prefer to enhance our good habits and build upon them. 
4- Pick up your study guide at your next maintenance visit.  You will take notes, watch the videos and receive more tips and tricks at each office visit.  This is independent study with follow up at each visit.
5- We used a special technique as babies that helped us discover this new world of ours and reach our milestones.
6- We lost this technique very young (around age 4) and now we are going to learn how to reclaim it.
7- See you at your next visit for Lesson One in this series. 

Monday, January 02, 2017

Harness Your Habits: Transform Your Life Without Trepidation

Babies use a fabulous technique that we tend to corrupt and mishandle after age 4.  

Happy New Year, Practice Members.

This is the time of year folks want to add a little change to their lives and seek self improvement.
If you fall into that category, we have a treat for you.

You are invited to take part in Harness Your Habits: Transform Your Life.

We don't want to get bogged down in goals. What does all that S.M.A.R.T. stuff stand for anyway?  We don't want to focus on the negativity.  People want to break a bad habit for a good reason such as health or financial improvements, but the dwelling on past failings make it all quite depressing.

But, harnessing means we are taking advantage of the success we have already achieved and build upon it.

We are going to use the same technique that babies use to reach developmental milestones.

Do you wonder what that entails?  Good!  Come in to the office and learn how.

Be sure to ask me about brain mapping and how to use it to your advantage.

See you at the table.  The adjusting table.