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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Set Yourself Free

 Hi Health Seekers!

Glad you're here.  Make it a good week, good month, good year, and more...

Just want to focus briefly on the most important ingredient to changing your health, and that is to keep expanding your mind.

Poor health, means stuckness.  How's that for a word?  You are stuck.

The nervous system gets stuck, that's for sure. 

The first line of my mission statement is that I want to expose people to life saving information.  And it tends to be the opposite of what we grew up believing.  When I encourage you to expand your mind, I ask you to consider letting go of an earlier belief, especially if it is keeping you stuck in a health situation you are unhappy about. 

I'm not going to go into all the outdated and un-serving ideas here in this blog.  Come on in and we'll chat about it. The life saving information has to deal with stopping the stressful things that are causing harm to the body.  

If you check out my latest video: How to Ruin an Adjustment, I mention the 4 popular stresses I see in my office on a daily basis. (And it's not back pain, but they are related.)

1- Starving the body

2- Skipping Standard Process

3- Continuous exposures to stressful encounters

4- Giving away the best of yourself to the wrong people, wrong jobs, etc. 

I am happy to adjust everyone's spines.  It is a craft I have worked on for decades.  But the people who benefit the most from their adjustments are the ones who reconsider old ideas that have set them up negatively.  

Only you can heal yourself.  Only you can expand your mind.  We can help each other.  We can support each other, but in the end all your healing comes from you. 

There are times when you are too exhausted and fatigued to jump start the process.  So let's talk about getting a few Vagus-Reset STAR Sessions.

Visit my Patreon Channel and take the entire BFA Protocol Video Course.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Doctors Who Jumped Ship: When Doctors Need Their Own Security Detail (Part 10)


I listen to podcasts while I walk my dog.  I download them onto an old cell phone that I can't ruin, since it already has a cracked screen.  Lately I've been uninterested in the recent feeds so I searched for some of my favorite peeps who give informative talks.  

I found an older interview from June 4, 2018 with Dr. Suzanne Humphries. You will recall I wrote about her in part 5 of Doctors Who Jumped Ship. 

Suzanne Humphries Jumped Ship

Doctors Who Jumped Ship

What perked my interest is her personal story about receiving death threats back in 2018.  I had read about it briefly a while back, but listening to her talk about the poor investigating of her complaint and her announcement that she now has her own private security made me realize how important these outspoken doctors are. 

Even Dr. Andrew Kaufman mentions he knows his life could be in danger.

What you must know about them is their resolve to keep going.  They have an inner strength that is so impressive.  Would I carry on with such optimism?  Would I have the courage to do the same?  I only write about this on my blog.  I have a small audience.  I have a fair amount of confidence when I am talking to others who agree with me.  I am happy to talk with folks who show a genuine interest is hearing my side of the story.  

We are living in a country that espouses free speech.  We are allowed a second opinion.  Or is that not the case?

When you need your own private security for telling the truth about medical procedures that cause harm, what has happened to society?  

We want health.  

We don't want to be mislead.  

And we don't want to be sickened because the truth is hidden.  

Continue your search for real empowering information.  You may be surprised how easily we've been fooled for generations. 

Thank you for reading.  I plan to stay positive and upbeat.  Healthy people are able to assert themselves.  And you need that in a country where the culture has drifted away from common sense and self autonomy.  

Chiropractic is the brain healer.  We need you fully involved in making the world a better place.  See you at the table...the chiropractic table. 

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

New Tools at Patreon


A day of chiropractic adjusting goes by so fast.  It doesn't leave me enough time to teach and consult about the other steps to brain/body health.  

Chiropractic is the foundation of brain and body/mind wellness, but your health habits in between office visits are super important to promote your body's tissues reserves.

Your innate intelligence works "in concert" with your tissue reserves, so if they are lacking, your innate intelligence has nothing to work with.  You need both together in a beautiful partnership. 

So, the other fun part of my job is supporting your brain boosting activities that you can do outside the office.  I do this by teaching the three doorways to restoring and maintaining health:

Move the Brain

Feed the Brain

Talk to the Brain

You may be doing some brain boosting activities very well.  And you might need to polish up on others.  

Patreon allows me to keep all my online video courses in one place so you can view them anytime you like.

Ready to dive in?  CLICK HERE.

Two Faves Together

There is so much great material on Podcasts/Video Interviews that I can miss some.  I am super pleased to have seen this posted on one of my friend's Facebook wall. 

Of course, if you've been following my series on Doctors Who Jumped Ship, here are two of them on a podcast together.  So this is quite the treat.  

I haven't listened to the entire episode yet, but I wanted my loyal blog readers to have the opportunity, as well. 


And, here's an update: My BFA Protocol Video Course is available for viewing on my new Patreon channel.  Here is my best breakdown of the steps to take so your chiropractic adjustments can go nuclear.  (so, your adjustments are more spectacular as you reduce the stress in your body.  Healing is always better when your stress is reduced.)

You're going to be busy for a while catching up on all these videos.  I know you're going to love them!!!!

See you at the table........the adjusting table.

--Dr. Lisa

Your Health Freedom Advocate


Thursday, September 03, 2020

Count Down Live Up: BFA Protocol Online Course

Enjoy the Intro Video

No more trying to put the pieces together. I have organized the BFA Protocol into a 5 category video course.  

5 signs of brain impairment

4 ways to lose your health

3 doorways to reclaim your health

2 reasons for everything

1 very important idea

The video course is available on my Patreon Page: Click Here to View.  

Be sure to watch both videos, Parts 1 & 2

Are You Aware of the Beautiful Harmony Within You?

If you can count backwards from 5, you can advance your life. You already have the tools, you can learn how to be more proficient with your tools. 

The U.S. is in last place for health when compared to the rest of the first world countries.  What are we doing wrong?

What would you like the change in your life?

Would you like more confidence, more energy to do new things, have the opportunity to afford the activities that interest you, more peace and purpose?

What can you do with your life if you are free of the preoccupation of symptoms?

When we focus on the brain, we can give ourselves great life experiences. 

Does your brain limit you or promote you? 

Do you feel limited in some way?

What have you given up or put on the back burner because you are our of energy?

Do you feel left behind?

Who is missing out on your time and talents because you are unavailable due to poor health?

Do your children have the knowledge and confidence in their own healing gifts?

Don't forget you can dive into a coaching relationship, too.