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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The #1 Reason Everyone Needs Chiropractic

No need to dwell on lower body diagnoses....Really, start at the top.  The Master System.
The Brain.     By the way, the spinal cord is composed of brain cells.  Yep, it is brain. 
        This is the best 5 minute lecture you've ever watched.   

Why do you get adjusted?  The answers vary from person to person.

Why do I love adjusting people's spines?  Because it is the most profound way to open the floodgates (spinal joints) to deliver healing energy (from innate).   

And because YOU are more than a sore joint or pulled are an intelligent being who can make a great difference in the world.  

Since spinal motion energizes the brain, similar to a windmill generating electricity, the brain gives back in so many wonderful ways that allow you to be the mover and changer the world needs!

Benefits of the Adjustment: Studied and Measured

The Adjustment Influences the Prefrontal Cortex of the Brain
(the conductor of the whole brain)
movement coordination
thinking focus
behavior goal directed tasks
decision making memory attention
pain processing emotional response to pain
autonomic function (just about everything)
motor control eye movement spacial awareness
fall prevention muscle strength
pelvic floor control mental rotation of objects

*Normalizing Blood Pressure
*Mood and Attention Improvement
*Blood Glucose efficiency– decreases insulin resistance
*Improvements and/or Reversal of neurodegenerative brain physiology (HUGE!)
*Epigenetic Changes – this changes fertility and short & long term offspring physiology
*Increase ATP – which is a “game-changer” for many reasons
*Telomere shortening – one of GREATEST “anti-aging” strategies in health today!
*Heart Disease – #1 contributor to heart disease in men and women is increased sustained sympathetic tone
*Immune System – Radically affects the immune system. Better than any marketable strategy medicine has to offer

Brain Changes
*One study noted the changes made in brain patterns and activity was more in one session than multiple weeks of standard psychological treatment made to brain!(You should know that brain-based neurophysiologists get their mind blown when they get to see the power of an adjustment on the brain!)
*Chiropractic was also shown to improve muscle strength, stability, and fatigue more in one session than 3 weeks of weight training! (Mind-Blowing!!)

Let me throw a few musculoskeletal benefits in here:
*Increases mobility and reduces Spinal Degeneration – degeneration shown to set in within 10-14 days with reduced mobility.
*5x better at musculoskeletal pain reduction than celebrex and vioxx combined (sad part here is that celebrex and vioxx together gross more $ per year ALONE than the entire chiropractic profession….the world desperately needs what we do!)

What else happens when you release subluxations with adjustments:

Decrease pro-inflaming cytokines (bad guys)              Increase neurotensin
Increase pro-regulatory cytokines (good guys)             Increase oxytocin
Increase CD-4 helpter T-cells (good guys)                    Increase orexin A
Block TNF (bad guys)                                            Better cortisol response
Decrease CRP (bad guys)                                
                                                            Increase DNA repair with maintenance

Beyond Better
Expand Your Experience  !!

Routine chiropractic care
is your recharging session.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Trade Off: Make Careful Decisions

Making Decisions You Can Live With

Check out all the Brain Snob episodes on YouTube

We need a healthy brain in order to make good choices. Try to make a life decision while you are under stress, feeling fearful, etc. It doesn't work out so well.

Mental stress turns to physical stress in the body.

We make trade-offs hoping for the best. This is the challenge of life. How long can we beat up our tissue reserves before the body cries, "Uncle?"

In this video I mention how I was offered the free drugs we kept locked up in the nurse's cabinet. I was dealing with a situational depression so it was considered a thoughtful gesture to offer it to help me feel better. My response: No thank you. I need to feel this. I need to learn from this. I need to have a clear head to work it out. Thinking back I probably wasn't clear headed as I made numerous unwise decisions that lead up to a personal crisis without the use of any medications prior. (Such irony, right?) Why would I add a medicinal component to my body's chemistry when I was already feeling normal nervous system processes, albeit uncomfortable but normal? I hope you enjoy my story and it inspires you to follow the Brain First Always Protocol.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

I Was Sick and Thought It Was Normal

Here are three videos I made talking about my personal story.  I experienced a number of small breakthroughs, that helped my improve my health before they became health breakdowns.

I talk about my reaction to my first adjustment. I also talk about my desire to deliver better mental health care services with chiropractic, the early chiropractic mental hospitals, the current addictions centers that utilize chiropractic, and how the Winsor Autopsies influenced my decision to pursue chiropractic.

Check out the videos below:

Older blog posts I mention in the videos.
Older blog post: Chiropractic Saved Me

Older blog post:  Chiropractic's Mental Illness Cure

Older blog post:  Dr. Winsor Changed My Life

Older blog post:  What Do I Call Myself? (Is Their Still a Genie in the Bottle?)



Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Fire Up Your Brain and Pick Your Fuel

I made Episode 4 of Brain Snob at the end of an Adjusting Day. It is a busier scheduled day when I only have time to deliver the life boosting adjustment. I don't have time to delve into the educational aspect of helping people understand the different types of interference that drain the nervous system. And that is why we have these videos.

In this video I talk about how to nurture your brain. That means we look at 1- how well your nerves are delivering brain energy to the organs, 2- what kind of fuel you are using to power your cells, and 3- what information you are putting your brain.

Life is busy and we are easily distracted. I know when people have to deal with unpleasant symptoms, they are distracted from what they need to get done. However, I prefer to look at these symptoms as warning signs that other parts of your life style are out of balance. The bigger picture.... Perhaps your schedule is so overwhelming, your brain is being burned out in Limbic System Dominance (Fight or Flight/Survival Mode). Or you're health problems are being caused by a toxic overload setting you up for an auto-immune disorder.

If I help you get you temporarily out of back pain. Have I really helped you nurture your life so you can reach higher goals???

Watch this video and see how you can boost your thinking.

1- Recurring Interference: What's kicking your body out of balance? They aren't symptoms. They are life style habits that put our health at risk.

2- Watch an earlier video about the Keto Krunch Club, renamed Keto Komplete in 2019.

See you at the table.....
The Adjusting Table

--Dr. Lisa
-- Your Health Freedom Advocate

Friday, April 05, 2019

I Don't Need Nagging Uncertainty - How About You?

We've got a lot of living to do. We don't need to be held up by sickness and low energy.

The need to understand brain impairment is great.  Just listen to the answers give by my practice members who took a health survey.  There were many upbeat answers, yet there is uncertainty in the back of people's minds.  

Let's get rid of that uncertainty.  

I wrote an article for the Citizen many years ago and I asked the readers to consider what it would be like to never take a blood test or disease screening again, because they knew their health practices were so excellent that they were confident to not need ongoing proof or reassurance.    Imagine......

B.F.A. - Brain First Always is the low tech-high energy approach to get us there.