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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Crack Down on Carbs

Call to action: take a mental inventory of your overactive interest in carbs that have addictive brain responses.

Why do I Crack Down on Carbs?
Don't pick on the cocaine addicts. It's not that simple.

Did You Know?

The Standard American Diet endorphin high is no different.

The opioid crisis got its start from carb induced inflammation on the brain.

U.S. children have grown up high before trying any illicit drug.

What's your dietary crack?
The toughest health problem to fix is persistent systemic inflammation caused by society's acceptance of carb addiction.

It's not only an obesity issue.  It is about inflammation, no matter how much you weigh.  Inflammation is the basis of all dis-ease and sickness. 

None of us is immune. Modern foods have impaired our brains.

Signs of carbohydrate addiction:
weight gain 
 low energy 
 stiff/achy joints 
 high blood pressure
insulin resistance 
frequent blood sugar drops
high triglycerides 
brain fog anxiety 
poor stress adaptation

We typically choose these foods not for nutrients, but for the endorphin reinforcement.  You're thinking right now about your next meal, but not for the nutrition, but for the emotional gratification.  Your next next snack is going to give you a  nice, warm, happy feeling.  You can't deny it.  Before your next meal or snack, stop and think about the longing, anticipation you have in the back of your mind.  What if you delayed it another hour?  Yikes...yes, that anxious feeling your just felt for one second is the craving for your next endorphin surge.  This continues the steady influx of inflammation.

Dr. Lisa's Ketolox Phasing Program is your food freedom tool:
  • Overcome the “food like” substances that monopolize our diet.
  • Experience the physical and mental freedom when the brain's food obsession is gone.
  • Free up your brain so it can concentrate on healing.
Remember*****Chiropractic influences the limbic system
(fight or flight, pleasure/pain balancer)  You have limbic system cells in every level of your spine)

My other blog posts about food addictions

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