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Monday, July 15, 2024

Accurate Vocabulary -- Better Health Outcomes

 A few weeks ago I wrote about the 2 conditions that worry my practice members the most.  Here is the link. 

However, the above concerns are just superficial and our focus is on the wrong area of health. 

X-rays and blood work are not predictive. 
X-rays show bones, but do not give you any insight to the activity of your nervous system, which changes minute by minute.  Lab work also can be different day by day, as well.  You can't really get a clear picture of the body's deliberate responses to stress.  

I keep emphasizing that a better use of words offers you a better outcome.  Disease labels are only minutely descriptive.  It explains what is happening to certain organs, well, our best guess.  The brain and body are so sophisticated, we have yet to fully appreciate it.  Disease labels do not provide information on the cause or outcome.  With this poorly defined process, we often apply treatments that are actually counter to what the body truly needs. 

Because everything the body does is correct for the situation, we should not rely on a diagnosis label.    I was taught in chiropractic college that the history is much more informative.  Also, we should allow the diagnosis labels to be changed, updated, or modified over time.

I am aware that the electronic medical systems with comprehensive coding systems used in hospitals and clinics is how doctors share information.  However, it is still lacking.  I suppose it is the best there is, but completely relying on it can lead to ineffective care.

My goal is to keep you out of the hospital and chronic care clinics.  My perspective is to assess the nervous system appropriately in order to avoid inappropriate and excessive medical approaches. 

The common denominator often ignored is the state of the nervous system.  After all, the brain detects survival need and appropriately commands the body to go into protect mode.  This is perfect and proper.  Our problem is we are out of the habit to replenish the body before the next stress, depleting event. 

Misinterpreting the body's responses leads us to an overused, overused medical system, particularly hospitalizations. 

When we are more accurate in our vocabulary, we can feel more in control, more confident with less fear.  Fear is a health thief.  Better information is the solution. 

To me the most concerning situation for the body is what I call programmed hibernation.  If you look at all disease labels given to hospital patients, they are are direct result of an overburdened, depleted nervous system.  It is a severe level of freeze or faint.  How someone gets this severely depleted can be traced back to an over-protective, preoccupied nervous system.  

Because everyone's nervous system is uniquely programmed by a lifetime of experiences, no one really fits the medical textbooks' disease labels.  Being herded through a computer system based on statistics robs us of the individual attention truly needed to help  promote empowerment and health freedom.  

We have many steps that can get us away from the programmed hibernation.  

You can't teach a drowning person to swim.  If you are in the hospital, you are drowning.  It is necessary to get discharged and back to the land.  The problem with programmed hibernation is that someone is too depleted of energy to think clearly and adopt an energy recovery program.

Is it too late?  No, but it will take longer to reestablish a vibrant nervous system. 

Are you in a state of programmed hibernation? Let's find out.

Chiropractic is a neurofeedback training exercise.  This enhances your ability to rewire how your brain perceives the world and nurtures your body.

Chiropractic as a maintenance practice rewires the brain.  It takes time and repetition, which is how your brain has learned all your life.  This time we are more deliberate. 

Welcome to Empowerment. 

See you at the table....the chiropractic table.

---Dr. Lisa

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