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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Half Healthy Is Still Half Sick

 Don't fall through the cracks.  You'll land hard. 

                   Brain Sense  Tele-Health

                   Profound Approach at Your Finger Tips

Half Healthy is Half Sick

Half a Solution Is Still Half a Problem

Does your health care feel like unfinished business?

Time to put together a “whole approach.”

How has unfinished business affected you?

Emergency Medicine

Too Late

It doesn't have to be too late. Tissue damage is considerable when an emergency intervention is needed. But we can change that trend.

Annual Screenings

Epic Fail

Researchers have said screenings do not change outcomes, but make profit for hospitals. How can you have true confidence that you are doing the right things for your future?

Maintenance Drugs →

Miserable Decline

There is no medicine that restores health. Maintenance drugs do not rebuild failing tissues. We need to step back and ask why tissue does failure begins.

Surgery →

Extreme Risks

Why do you sign all those disclosure forms? Because unfavorable outcomes are high. Failed back surgery syndrome has it's own insurance code. Back surgeries have an 85% fail rate. And that's only one example.

Traditional Offices →


Doctors know they are limited by the bureaucracy of medicine. You have to wonder how severe is your doctor's state of demoralization. Doctors commit suicide at double the rate of the rest of the population. Invite them to join you on this healing journey.

We have an overburdened health care system that helps you get somewhat better, but you fall through the cracks.

Q. Why?

A. 1- No one makes the time to give you what you really need.

2- What you really need cannot be patented or profited but it's still worthwhile.

3- What you really need comes from YOU with a little bit of education and coaching. I know your story. I lived it. --Dr. Lisa

Brain Sense Tele-Health

Coaching You to Confidence The brain makes the body. You make your life.

$2 per minute : You pick the time increment

Call me on my office number.  Leave a message if it goes to voice mail. 

Learn more about my personal journey in my Kindle Ebook:

What Side of Stubborn: Why Do No Harm Means Undoing Decades of Harm

Connect the Dots

My Frustration Is Your Freedom

Fill the Cracks: Rewrite Your Story

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