I have John Assaraf's book, Having It All. I bought it in paperback at Walden's in the Finger Lakes Mall about three weeks ago.
On page 46 John Assaraf writes, "At any given time, your conscious mind is absorbing about 11 million pieces of information, but you're only aware of about 40 to 2000 pieces. What happens to the other 10,998,000 pieces?"
Really, what does happen? Some kind of mechanism has to take action preventing us from having a mental breakdown or even worse, a spontaneuous brain injury!
He goes on to write, "You're dropping them from your consciousness because you either don't need them or you' ve conditioned your brain to drop them."
This makes sense. Think of all the things we ignore because we don't need them. We do not need spam in our email so we have a way to delete them. We also condition ourselves to ignore things like commercials for sports games if you do not a sports fan. Many of us are conditioned to ignore the sublte hints we are given that our health needs more prevention attention.
Just this morning I walked by a pile of dishes on the counter. I almost stopped to do them. If I had done that I would not have written this blog entry. I had an idea brewing in my mind. I know for a fact after forgetting many ideas in the past that it doesn't work, so the dishes are still there on the counter.
Many people think they don't need chiropractic so they ignore the articles I write or ignore a suggestion from a friend to go visit a chiropractor.
Also, in our society we are not conditioned to take a look at what natural health can provide us. I still hear Dr. Dean Edell say vitamins are junk! He's right because a lot of them on the market are junk, especially when you can buy a three month supply for $12! However, he is missing out on something. His brain is conditioned to miss it.
Did you know for the longest time I thought Dean Edell was Deena Dell and I couldn't understand why he had a girl's name? He just talks too fast. Boy, the brain gets into a rut! That's one reason why I named my business Homic Advanced Chiropractic instead of Homic Chiropractic. The other reason is because chiropractic truly advances your life.
Most of the population still do not have to a routine of getting weekly chiropractic care.
Because our brains are so busy, too many people ignore the truth about the devistation of accumulated subluxations in their spines. I am talking about premature death and needless suffering. I don't promise cures because nothing has been cured and no one dies of disease but the role subluxations play in quality of life is still highly ignored by the segment of the population that does not stick to a routine of weekly chiropractic care.
I've added a page on my website to reveal a confession about my determination to make sure people understand why I don't want them to miss out on a great opportunity to learn about chiropractic's key to vitality.
See you at the table...the adjusting table.
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