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Sunday, December 18, 2005

No More Getting Sick This Winter...and other New Year's Resolutions

Dr. Homic's New Website:

Hello, Everyone,
Thank you, to all my patients, for making this an enjoyable year. It is exciting to work with folks who are so interested in their health. Many of you have been outspoken in your disappointment with "Mainstream Health Care." I'd do believe wellness chiropractic IS the mainstream because more people are discovering the benefits of prevention, actively seeking natural ways to promote health, and turning away from the pharmaceuticals that are really small amounts of toxins put into a pill. I will still shock people when I tell them coumadin is rat poison!

My current goal, since winter is upon us, is to concentrate on keeping everyone free from the usual winter sicknesses that seem to spread around. The truth is, the same germs are around us all year. We tend to lower our resistance by "over doing it" during the holidays and getting very little exercise during the cold months.

During your adjustments we will pay particular attention to the upper thoracic spine where the nerves to the lungs are as well as the cervical spine for the throat and sinuses. I will highlight different supplements that are very good for the immune system, as well.

Here is my full list of New Year's Resolutions for my office:

  • 1. No more getting sick this winter for everyone.
  • 2. Getting everyone to stop buying Centrum and One-A-Day because they are not absorbable and can cause deficiencies. I'll prove it.
  • 3. Introduce more posture improving tools.
  • 4. Help everyone save money (which is a great stress reducer) and still protect their health.

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