ADHD gets a lot of news play with its long list of symptoms, behaviors and theories. Basically it makes you feel bad about yourself and wreaks havoc on young children who just want to be loved and cherished.
I won't go into the list of ADHD findings because that moves us farther from my goal which is to forget about it and dive into life!
Chiropractic's objective is to reacquaint you with yourself. We have profound disconnections in mind and body that steer us away from our natural gifts.
Chiropractic touches us at the DNA level, so follow the DNA plan:
D - detox mind and body
N- nourish mind and body
A- adjust mind and body
Detox and nourish your health with nutrition. Chiropractors are well versed in this. Adjust the body with the neurological re-booting of the spinal adjustment.
Now on to the mind.
Detox yourself of negative thoughts. Nourish your mind with common sense guidance. And adjust your life activities so you are aligned with your values.
ADHD is a label used when someone is disorganized and unable to focus. I say, "hogwash." According to master life coach, Melanie R. Keveles, it is an indication of a "Renaissance Soul." It is time to take your Renaissance Soul out of hiding.
I invite you to immerse yourself in Melanie R. Keveles', self directed coaching sessions at LiveFullyToday.com. She will help you answer the life changing questions you need to ask yourself. The answers will probably make you uncomfortable, but then you will have a clearer idea how to break free from the ridiculous notions of ADHD.
When you go to LiveFullyToday.com, you will have to create a free profile and then click on the MAP link. Look for Ms. Keveles MAP titled: Fully Engaged at Any Age: Discover Your Dream in the Money & Career Category. Don't be fooled by the category. Ms. Keveles presentation of the material will help anyone who is feeling stuck. It will help you understand how to grow personally and professionally.
See you at the table...the adjusting table.
--Dr. Lisa
Your Health Freedom Advocate
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