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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Better Spines -> Better World -> Think Beyond

Don't stop thinking.

We never know the impact of our efforts. We just have to keep doing the right thing.

When someone comes in for an adjustment, he or she is renewing the vitality of the nervous system. What does that mean for the world?

Someone can sleep better at night and face the next day with a fresh outlook?
Someone can avoid liver damage from a prescription drug?
Someone can effectively care for his or her family?
Someone can stay healthy enough to finish college?
Someone can stand up for the rights of others?
Someone can think clearly during a crisis and save an other's life?

What if everyone around you got adjusted?
Could a marriage be saved?
Could an addict feel more self worth?
Could a company president be a better leader?
Could a school perform beyond its expectations?

Think beyond.

Remember, you get to choose.

See you at the table...the chiropractic table.

--Dr. Lisa
Your health freedom coach

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