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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Running for a Fun, Fit Life

I ran a 5 K yesterday. My sister and her daughter joined me. It was a fabulous morning. This was my first real return to exercise after the long, cold winter of indoor work outs. I have run a lot less since Eirne was born, so each run I go on now is a great feeling. The alone time is nice. It seems we always have to keep pace with others. In my case, Eirne tells me when to slow down such as when I want to walk fast to get in and out of the post office, and when to speed up so I can catch him before he runs away from me in the store. My niece really had a great time so we are looking for more local 5 K's to run in together.

This reminds me when I gave a weight loss talk last year and someone asked me what do you if you hate to exercise. I told her to find something to compete in like a race, or a team sport, or marital arts. It gives you something to work toward. Doing something you never could have imagined doing is quite a challenge.

Even though I love to exercise, squeezing it in to my schedule sometimes takes the fun away from it. Watching the clock and playing in my head what I need to get done during the day will take away from my work out. Good planning and commitment to stick to it helps.

The spring has just begin, so get out and enjoy it.

See you at the table...the adjusting table.

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