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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Health is a Product of Time Management

All health is determined by the adaptability of the Fight or Flight response.  You've probably heard me say this.  Our goal is to reduce the stress that puts us into a hyper-triggered state of Fight or Flight so we can maintain our strength, energy and organ resilience. 

But, this also means: All health is determined by your time management. 

Sure, you're asked to make a commitment to health. How do you commit?  You get rest, exercise more, buy whole foods and get to the chiropractic office once a week.  This requires time.  You set aside the time to accomplish these things. 

Many people, however, put them on the back burner.  How many times do people call me last minute and hope I can fit them in ASAP?  Well, that kind of procrastination is not good for your health, nor is it good for my health.  

My being available to you is dependent on my own healthy activities. So, I too, have to take time to nurture my health.  And that may mean I'm not in the office at certain times of the day.  

I'm not trying to sound like a lecturing parent.  I have my own habits I need to reign in.  

When people say they don't have time to do something, the simple answer is that they are involved in other activities that are generally not improving their lives. 

How much TV do you watch?  I know I watch too much.  I just watched a 10 episode series in one night and realized at its conclusion, it was a morbid depressing show.  Two characters died, one ended up alone, and they were constantly breaking the law in order obtain a massive of amount of money hoping their dreams would come true. 

I came home on a Friday afternoon and was feeling extra tired from the week.  I should have just taken a nap so I could do  more useful activities the rest of the evening.  Instead, I got hooked into this show, binge watching it until midnight.  Yikes. 

The next day I felt so bad about it, that I promised myself I would only watch informative videos or listen to podcasts the rest of the day.  

I scroll too much social media, too.  I am looking for educational articles.  Sometimes my friends share interesting things.  But, not so much. The algorithm hides most of my friends' posts and I am inundated with irrelevant ads.  I'm all for humor and comedy, but I'm not interested in the practical jokes. 

How many walks could I have taken?  How many blog articles could I have written?  I could have had a good nights' sleep.  

We tell ourselves we need a little down time to refresh, but really, is that down time abused?

Think about it. 

If you take a lot of down time, are you exhausted?  Have you burned through your reserves and beat up your body's self protective Fight or Flight response?  Do you avoid more important activities because you have anxiety over them?  Does this anxiety stem from hyper-triggered fight or flight response?

I'm summarizing how we tend to rewire the nervous system in ways that rob us of energy, creativity, and time for quality socialization. 

How would you assess your health right now?

How's your: 

1- Mind-Set

2- Mobility

3- Nutrition

4- Sleep

We use chiropractic to rewire the nervous system. What would you like to do better?

See you at the table....the adjusting table.

Dr. Lisa

Your Live Disease Free Coach


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