At Homic Advanced Chiropractic the first step is to reframe your pain by assessing your 4 reframing criteria:
P. Psychological stress
A. Absorption stress
I. Injuries old & new
N. Nervous system efficiency
Let's focus on A. Absorption Stress which is how well your body is absorbing nutrients to nourish the body.
S. Spine
P. Probiotics
E. Enzymes
E. Exercise
D. detox/diet
Digestive distress sends nerve signals "back" to the spine then the muscles feel the effects of ineffective nerve production.
This is just the basic rules of biology on the body. If you want to feel healthy, don't just focus on the problem whether it is pain or poor function like lousy digestion. Focus on what you are doing to nourish the body.
Spine Keep your spine well adjusted so nerves will tell the digestive system to properly break down and absorb food. Healthy eating alone is not enough. Proper nerve connections are a must.
Probiotics Boost your flora count with probiotics. They are easily killed off by stress.
Enzymes Enzymes are missing from 90% of our diet. They are important nutrition partners that unlock the potential benefits of vitamins.
Exercise Good fitness keeps your intestinal tract in shape and you will spend less time filling it up with junk food.
Detox/Diet Go on a reasonable and useful detoxification schedule. Learn about nutritional cleansing. Watch what toxins you put into your body. Take the time learn about it during your office visits. Many foods we assume are healthy are really problematic.
Absorption stress is the one of the most overlooked part of self care. I still hear on the doctor shows that the digestive system works on auto-pilot. You put the food in it, food will be broken down. It couldn't be farther from the truth. Get informed.
And as always never forget the #1 health law of nature:
Your God-given innate intelligence needs a functioning vessel to deliver the expression of life. Keep your spine finely-tuned. Not for pain relief---for quality of life.
As always think beyond wellness. Think vitalistically.
See you at the table...the chiropractic table.
--Dr. Lisa
Your Health Freedom Coach
How stress literate are you? and what in the world is "subluxation degeneration?"
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