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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Vital Connections // The Wellness Connection // Connect to Your Self // Connect to Your Community

Vital Connections

We need each other. This is a fact. How do you define vital connections in your own personal life and do you provide a vital connection to others?

Many think of wellness as physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Our vital connections are important to all three. Our health depends on our vital connections. We look to others for advice and guidance. We offer each other advice and guidance as well as our time. Financial and emotional support are also crucial threads in the weave of vital connections.

We have turned our society into isolated and distrustful atmospheres. Doing a google search using the words isolation, culture, and society reveals a list of topics that range from suicide and aging to poverty and lonliness even in this age of technoligcally advanced in communication.

Time is an important factor in how well we maintain our vital connections. We devote so much of our time working and commuting, very little time remains for family responsibilties. Everyone complains there is not enough time to get things done. The back burner is filling up with undone projects and forgotten dreams.

Can we use our vital connections to help us finish those projects? How do you share your forgotten dreams with your vital connections? How do you develop and nurture connections? If these questions are difficult to answer, it shows how we have taken for granted this crucual link to health, wellness, and our ability to prosper as fulfilled indiviuals. Perhaps our lack of awareness has lead to the deterioration of marriages and business relationships as we fail to relate to each other. The chasm of isolation grows deeper. Today's children grow up lacking the communcation skills and critical thinking necessary for success. There are many attempts to address this problem indirectly with education laws, government sponsored programs, self help books, etc. But the most direct way is to admit we need to prioritize our vital connections.

The "wellness way" provides a basic foundation. All we accomplish depends on our wellness attitudes. The way we take care of our health mirrors the way we take care of everything else. Vital connections help meet our goals with less effort.

Another part of the vital connection is our spiritual connection. Knowing where we came from and where we go after death influences how we want to spend our time in between. This article is not an appropriate forum to debate religion, darwinism, or intelligent design. Time continues to slip away regardless of the debate. Use your time wisely. Recognizing how far reaching your own actions are within your community and beyond is a great motivator.

What is the best way to develop a life-style that values vital connections? The first step is to start with your inner belief system, recognizing your spiritual connection and commiting yourself to goals that are always congruent with it. Religion plays an important role by providing a community that works toward the same goals. Church members make it a priority to be available to each other for support and guidance.

Vital connections expand outward throughout all aspects of life. The family, friends, workplace colleages, professionals, government, volunteers, non-profit groups, and churches all contribute to in some way to the growth of vital connections. Everyone is able to choose and nurture their vital connections.

The Create Purpose Coaching System has 6 steps for designing and meeting goals.

  • Step 5 * Use Your Network / Prevent Burn Out
  • Step 6 * Help Others Do the Same

Both are based on the benefits of vital connections. Chiropractic also stresses connections that promote life and healing. Everytime someone receives an adjustment, there is an opportunity to be a better person and have a positive influence on the people around them. Honoring vital connections in one's life will greatly enhance the wellness journey.

Next Issue: How Vital Connections Become Endangered


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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Water Water Everywhere, But Not In The Microwave

Special Thanks To

One of my patients who told me about this internet site:

[The photos were too large to add to this page. Be sure to click on the link to see the actual article.]

Microwaved Water and Plants Project...Would You Drink This?

"Microwaved Water and Plants" is a science fair project that my granddaughter did for 2006. In it she took filtered water and divided it into two parts. The first part she heated to boiling in a pan on the stove, and the second part she heated to boiling in a microwave. Then after cooling she used the water to water two identical plants to see if there would be any difference in the growth between the normal boiled water and the water boiled in a microwave. She was thinking that the structure or energy of the water may be compromised by microwave. As it turned out, even she was amazed at the difference.
Below are the pictures that were actually submitted with the project. Some of them were created with photoshop for the science fair presentation from the original photos, so the display would be consistant and easy to follow. The actual original photos are posted at the bottom with thumbnails. They are thumbnailed because the original photos were extremely high resolution.

Followup. We have seen a number of comments on this, such as what was the water in the microwave boiled in. The thinking is that maybe some leaching took place if it was in plastic. It was boiled in a plastic cup, so this could be a possibility. Also it was not a double blind experiment, so she knew which was which when watering them. On top of that she was wanting the microwaved ones to do poorly, and although most scientists would dismiss the idea, it is possible that her thoughts toward each plant had an effect as well. Bottom line is, the results are interesting, and duplicate the results that others have reported (try Googling '"microwaved water" plants') more experiments need to be done with better controls and as a double blind study. But this was a simple 6th grade science fair project, and was never intended to be anything more than that.
The plants were genetically identical, they were produced from graphs from the same parent plant, so that variable can be eliminated.
update 2:Below are the original photos that were taken. The above photos were created from them, some were simply shrunk and text added, but because of inconsistancy in the original pictures, where some of them only showed one plant at a time, or no picture was taken that day of the control, some of them are splices of the original pictures. So although some of the images may appear to be faked, that was not the intention. The actual photos each were spliced from in in these below without modification.

Microwaved Water and PlantsBelow is a science fair project that my granddaughter did for 2006. In it she took filtered water and divided it into two parts. The first part she heated to boiling in a pan on the stove, and the second part she heated to boiling in a microwave. Then after cooling she used the water to water two identical plants to see if there would be any difference in the growth between the normal boiled water and the water boiled in a microwave. She was thinking that the structure or energy of the water may be compromised by microwave. As it turned out, even she was amazed at the difference.
Below are the pictures that were actually submitted with the project. Some of them were created with photoshop for the science fair presentation from the original photos, so the display would be consistant and easy to follow. The actual original photos are posted at the bottom with thumbnails. They are thumbnailed because the original photos were extremely high resolution. Marshall Dudley

Microwaved Water and PlantsBelow is a science fair project that my granddaughter did for 2006. In it she took filtered water and divided it into two parts. The first part she heated to boiling in a pan on the stove, and the second part she heated to boiling in a microwave. Then after cooling she used the water to water two identical plants to see if there would be any difference in the growth between the normal boiled water and the water boiled in a microwave. She was thinking that the structure or energy of the water may be compromised by microwave. As it turned out, even she was amazed at the difference.
Below are the pictures that were actually submitted with the project. Some of them were created with photoshop for the science fair presentation from the original photos, so the display would be consistant and easy to follow. The actual original photos are posted at the bottom with thumbnails. They are thumbnailed because the original photos were extremely high resolution. Marshall Dudley

Followup. We have seen a number of comments on this, such as what was the water in the microwave boiled in. The thinking is that maybe some leaching took place if it was in plastic. It was boiled in a plastic cup, so this could be a possibility. Also it was not a double blind experiment, so she knew which was which when watering them. On top of that she was wanting the microwaved ones to do poorly, and although most scientists would dismiss the idea, it is possible that her thoughts toward each plant had an effect as well. Bottom line is, the results are interesting, and duplicate the results that others have reported (try Googling '"microwaved water" plants') more experiments need to be done with better controls and as a double blind study. But this was a simple 6th grade science fair project, and was never intended to be anything more than that.

The plants were genetically identical, they were produced from graphs from the same parent plant, so that variable can be eliminated.
update 2:Below are the original photos that were taken. The above photos were created from them, some were simply shrunk and text added, but because of inconsistancy in the original pictures, where some of them only showed one plant at a time, or no picture was taken that day of the control, some of them are splices of the original pictures. So although some of the images may appear to be faked, that was not the intention. The actual photos each were spliced from in in these below without modification.

Followup. We have seen a number of comments on this, such as what was the water in the microwave boiled in. The thinking is that maybe some leaching took place if it was in plastic. It was boiled in a plastic cup, so this could be a possibility. Also it was not a double blind experiment, so she knew which was which when watering them. On top of that she was wanting the microwaved ones to do poorly, and although most scientists would dismiss the idea, it is possible that her thoughts toward each plant had an effect as well. Bottom line is, the results are interesting, and duplicate the results that others have reported (try Googling '"microwaved water" plants') more experiments need to be done with better controls and as a double blind study. But this was a simple 6th grade science fair project, and was never intended to be anything more than that.
The plants were genetically identical, they were produced from graphs from the same parent plant, so that variable can be eliminated.
update 2:Below are the original photos that were taken. The above photos were created from them, some were simply shrunk and text added, but because of inconsistancy in the original pictures, where some of them only showed one plant at a time, or no picture was taken that day of the control, some of them are splices of the original pictures. So although some of the images may appear to be faked, that was not the intention. The actual photos each were spliced from in in these below without modification.

*** *** ***

Don't Eat Microwaved Food


Theft from Mother Nature

Is Your Life Not All It Could Be?

Life-Saving Health Briefs
By Shane Ellison, M.Sc.
Health Myths Exposed and Hidden Truth about Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs
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Warning: Some Health Briefs may shock and even anger you. Feel free to forward.

Theft from Mother Nature

The design of prescription drugs is guided by knowledge obtained from plant –based predecessors, which are commonly sold as nutritional supplements. Drug companies obfuscate this. They like people to think drugs are the only option and that they intuitively invent them out of thin air.

Mother Nature has traditionally been the guide for the design and synthesis of new drugs. Check out these examples.

Ritalin and many other stimulants are knock-offs of the active ingredients found in ma huang AKA ephedra. Ma huang is a safe and effective stimulant that increases mental focus.

Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins are knock-offs of the natural ingredient found in red yeast rice. Akin to the drugs, red yeast rice can dangerously lower cholesterol levels.

Aspirin, the drug that your doctor tells you to take EVERYDAY, is a knock-off of the active ingredient found in white willow bark. White willow bark is a safe and effective pain reliever.

Baicalein, an anti-cancer drug used among those who suffer from leukemia, is a knock-off of the active ingredient found in the roots of Chinese skullcap (Scuterllaria baicalensis). Chinese skullcap is a safe and effective natural cancer fighter that induces cell suicide (apoptosis) among leukemia-derived cancer cells. The tiny family of prescription pain killers used by doctors are knock offs of the natural ingredients found in opium (opium is far safer than current fast acting drug knock-offs).


How to Really Lose Weight After 40

Understand Your Blood Tests Without a Medical Degree

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Parenting in the Chiropractic Philosphy

A while back, I promised you this article. I finally found the online version! [Check out: April / May 2006 Issue]

Parenting in the Chiropractic Philosophy

Two parents raising their children in the chiropractic lifestyle share the choices they’ve made, the struggles they’ve faced and the rewards they’ve received during their journeys.

By Katie K. Bell

Raising children is an inherently challenging adventure. Raising them in a chiropractic lifestyle poses its own set of challenges. Because so many of the tenets of our lifestyle are out of the mainstream, many families have an added dimension to assimilating their children into society. Social events can often become arduous as parent and child try to navigate through questions about adjustments, vaccines and diet choices. Today’s Chiropractic LifeStyle spoke with two parents who have elected to raise their children in the chiropractic lifestyle to find out how they have managed.

Dr. Bill Austin is a director of professional education with Footlevelers and has been in the healthcare industry for 39 years. He has three children—Avelyn, Elizabeth and Nathan.

Dr. Lisa Rubin is a psychologist at Life University’s Student Success Center and her husband is a practicing chiropractor. They have a son named Palmer. (You can read her article “Can Chiropractic Relationships Work?” in the February/March 2006 issue or on

TCL: What is the chiropractic philosophy on parenting?

Dr. Rubin: There really isn’t any formal philosophy, but there is the chiropractic concept of allowing the body to heal itself, that the body knows what it needs. We live in a very chaotic and unsafe world. We have always tried to allow our son to communicate his needs to us and the chiropractic philosophy led me to this direction of self-healing.

Dr. Austin: I don’t know that there is an established philosophy on parenting, but the basic idea that the body has the ability to regulate and heal itself applies to raising children. We wanted to raise happy, healthy confident kids who could cope with their environments. No matter what your philosophy, what matters most is the love and support that you show them.

TCL: What agreements/discussions have you made with your spouse regarding your parenting choices?

Dr. Rubin: There needs to be consistency in the parenting style. Parents need to agree on choices about health and diet beforehand. When a crisis occurs, it helps to have those decisions already made about vaccinations, visiting the doctor and emergency care. I advise people to plan ahead exactly how they will handle those events.

Dr. Austin: We did vaccinate our children, but we did not have diphtheria because it was the most dangerous of the lot. Back then it was the right choice for us, my feeling today is that vaccines play an important role but we do it much too early, before an immune system is built up in the child. My wife and I work hard to communicate with each other even when we disagree—we want to talk it out and communicate. We give each other a tremendous amount of support.

TCL: Have you experienced any conflict due to differing opinions?

Dr. Rubin: My husband and I discussed this years before having children. As a psychotherapist I deal with many couples with different viewpoints on health and care. It creates anxiety and can lead to divorce. Children don’t feel safe when they don’t know what the rules are; they need consistency from both parents.

Dr. Austin: We were both strict vegetarians, practicing meditation in the post-hippie days and trying to figure out what a natural lifestyle was, so when we met we complemented each other.

TCL: What preparations did you make to give birth to your children?

Dr. Rubin: Again, I made this choice long before I became pregnant. I didn’t want to have an emotional response to my decision just because I was pregnant. I visited hospitals and birthing centers. I perceived a lot of fear and came to the point where I felt that the most comfortable place, the place without fear, was my home. It is more important to be where you are not in fear. We had two midwives; at the time, it was a support system. There was the doubt of what if there is a complication or something happened to the baby, but if a crisis occurred, we could go to 911 and to the emergency room. My dad is a physician and I had a backup that most people don’t have available.

Dr. Austin: My wife was a trained midwife and we decided to have all three at home by ourselves. We did our own prenatal checks. We also had support from other midwives.

TCL: Do you ever visit the doctor concerning your children’s health matters?

Dr. Rubin: Palmer has been to a medical doctor three times in his life. When he was first born, we were told to go to a doctor to prove our son was our child because we had no formal birth record from the hospital. Later in his life we needed to visit a plastic surgeon to fix his split lip, and one final time when he had separated his growth plate, which required placing a cast on his foot. Our son understands we don’t do things with medicine. Instead we use the alternatives: rest and naps. Palmer has slowly built up a tolerance to a special way of life. We feel educated enough to monitor his symptoms. He’s never had antibiotics, Tylenol or ibuprofen, in fact, we’ve never given him any medication.

Dr. Austin: Our first child had breathing difficulty at birth, and we took her to the doctor. He wanted to perform exploratory surgery on her to find out why. We took her home and kept adjusting her and today she is a school teacher in Hong Kong. For smaller things such as ear congestion I’d also adjust. After a while I just started showing them how to do it themselves.

TCL: How do you approach your family’s diet?

Dr. Rubin: We began managing our diet when we first started dating. Palmer has followed our diet from day one; it wasn’t a change mid-way. We avoid dairy, sugar, meat, preservatives and coloring.

Dr. Austin: Individuals have their own philosophy, but the more natural the food the better. Studies show red meat isn’t the best quality of protein. We avoid sugar and use our own honey. We tried to educate our kids and share the concepts of healthy eating.

TCL: What decisions have you made regarding your children’s education?

Dr. Rubin: He has been home schooled two different times. When he wants to stay in school, we let him stay; when he wants to come home, we let him home school.

Dr. Austin: All of our children attended public school. We looked at home schooling and felt it was not for us. College was the expectation; they all went to college.

TCL: How do you educate your children about food? Medical care? And non-chiropractic friends and family?

Dr. Rubin: We started from day one explaining everything. If he saw a child with a lollipop, we would offer him a fruit juice lollipop instead. We try to create a substitute and to make his environment as normal as possible. We tell him he can choose his views when he’s older, but for now we’re doing it this way.

Dr. Austin: We primarily used homeopathic remedies for pain. When they got older we’d give them small amounts of aspirin. So much can be done preventatively. We’d check our children regularly to see if they needed adjusting. We would make sure they were well-adjusted in order to set the stage for the body to regulate and heal itself the best way possible. We explained everything to our children.

TCL: How has the rest of your family reacted to your parenting style?

Dr. Rubin: There was a lot of resistance about the home birth and not vaccinating—they were frightened for us. I think we all respect each other’s choices, but we try not to discuss them. We are so vastly different, and we try to leave it there.

Dr. Austin: My mother didn’t understand a lot of it. She was very supportive of me, and she embraced it. My wife’s folks were very opposed to many of the things we were doing. [To them] the thought of putting chiropractic care in front of medical care was reckless.

TCL: Describe an incident when your chiropractic parenting ideals were challenged.

Dr. Rubin: The first time my son had a fever at nine months old in the middle of the night, he was crying, inconsolable. We kept thinking, “This isn’t supposed to happen, maybe we’re wrong. Is our belief system not going to work?” A chiropractor adjusted him, and my son smiled for the first time in five days. It was very humbling.

Dr. Austin: When my first child had trouble breathing after birth, and the doctors told me adjusting her was pure bunk. They wanted to perform exploratory thoracic surgery on her but we opted against it and took her home. I was scared to death but I knew what that surgery meant; it meant splitting her chest open and we weren’t going to do that. As I said before, after repeated adjustments she began to breathe normally.

For All Parents

Parenting in the chiropractic philosophy is tough even for the parenting pros, such as Drs. Rubin and Austin. There will be times when your ideals are challenged. Our experts say the best resource and source of support are other chiropractic parents.