The Wrong Understanding Has Ruined Us-Until Now......33 William St Ste. 10, Auburn, NY......315-277-1362 .......... Dr. Lisa Ann Homic
Create Your Healing Experience
Is this office the right fit for you? Watch the New Member Orientation Video: CLICK HERE It is required before your first visit.
HOME...What Patients Say. ......Give Up This Old Belief.......Translate Pain/Anxiety Correctly
Sunday, December 31, 2006
As a Man Thinketh...When your goals come from the inside...your potential is unthinkable...amazing
From the chiropractic perspective, your health comes from the inside out. A very powerful statement.
The Law of Concentration: "Whatever you dwell upon grows in your reality."
From the chiropractic perspective, health is the most natural state. When you dwell upon natural, it will be experienced.
I put a poster on the front door of the office:
The cause of health is promoted here, not the cause of disease.
You are a vital human being, not a machine.
Be excited about your existence!!! Live the Excitement!
13 Secrets of 13 World Class Achievers
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Why We Love New Year's Weekend. Is It the Resolutions?
This site discusses the origins of New Year's Resolutions. It is a long tradition.
(Unfortunately, these wikipedia entries change so quickly, this link is no longer accurate. Do your own google search for New Year's Resolution and you will find the traditions behind this practice.)
Many people are adamant about making goals every January. Some are ambivalent because the resolutions are given up on soon after the hustle and bustle of life gets in the way again.
Many feel it is unnecessary because goals can be made and evaluated all throughout the year.
Here's the thought of the day: Why can't we stick to new goals? Because life gets in the way. I find that to be an ironic statement, but it rolled of my brain so quickly it is a cliche that is very revealing.
Rather than making goals because we can concentrate on re-ordering our priorities and being realistic about them. That may be an appropriate way to transition into new habits without setting ourselves up for failure.
Leave your comments here, and tell me your successes in the near future. It will make a great follow up to today's newsletter entry.
Happy New Year!!!
When your neighborhood shopping club becomes nothing more than a garage sale...
Wellness Shopping Better Than the Mall
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wellness Surfing
"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in a sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny."
--Thomas Jefferson
The Medical Freedom Channel
Vaccination Debate
Get Ready for Wellness Dollars
To celebrate the wellness chiropractic life-style, I am giving away Wellness Dollars to anyone who comes in each week for a spine check. At the end of each month anyone who has perfect attendance will receive their Wellness Dollars to use when they shop online on the office website. When you make an online purchase you will receive a rebate with your Wellness Dollars.
Start Browsing. Let me know if you have any questions.
Online Wellness Shopping
Energy Revolution
Healthy for the Holidays
I congratulate this group who remembered their health is one of the most important gifts they can give to their loved ones.
It's more fun to celebrate when you're feeling your best.
Happy New Year to Everyone.
** ** ***
Experience Online Wellness Shopping
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Gold Rush Here In Auburn, NY
California Chiropractors Giving Away Gold pm PST Local Chiropractic News
The following submitted article comes from the chiropractic office of Dr. Michael J. Moore, a Redding California Chiropractor and graduate of Palmer Chiropractic College Davenport, Iowa.
Are You Giving Away Gold In Here?
by Michael J. Moore, D.C.
A couple of days ago a patient I hadn’t seen for a while greeted me as I walked into the room, then said, “Hey, with all those people out front, I was wondering if you were giving away gold in here?” We both laughed for a moment, then I said to him, “Yes we are! The ‘gold’ is your health. That’s why people come. That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, you bet!”
It may seem like we are “giving away” something valuable, but what we are actually doing is helping people find the gold (their health) that was already there, hidden inside themselves.
What a great thought! If we each truly saw our health, our vitality, and our well-being for what it is worth, what value would we give it? I bet we would give it higher priority in our life than we sometimes do. Most people wait until they “hit the wall”, injure themselves, or get sick before they give their health a high priority. It certainly is an individual choice, but what many have experienced is that once you get well it’s much easier to maintain that state and prevent a back slide (no pun intended) than to wait for the next crisis to strike, and have to start the process of healing all over again. It is quite simple, actually.
At the start of a new year, we are presented with the opportunity to re-order our priorities on what really has value in our lives. It is a time to focus our heart, the source of motivation, and our mind, the source of discipline, in those areas of our life we wish to change, sustain, or enhance. Instead of starting out by writing a list of resolutions, a list of things you think you should be doing, begin by writing out your purpose for doing these things. Make it fun and rewarding! This provides the motivation you need to discipline (that nasty “D” word) yourself to take action in these areas of your life. Then you can outline the steps and set the necessary priorities to develop a plan to bring your vision into reality. Find the purpose that will motivate you, but remember to make the changes fun!
My staff, Donna, and I are excited about the opportunities we will have this next year to help you, your family, and our community “find the gold within”.
Chances are there is a chiropractor in your community who is "giving away gold" or is there to help you find the gold that is already hidden inside of you.
- - - - - - - - - -Dr. Michael Moore is a graduate of Palmer Chiropractic College in Davenport, Iowa. He is a third-generation chiropractor practicing in Redding California. His office is located at 1484 Hartnell Avenue (between Victor Avenue and Church Creek Road) in Redding, California.
Got Exams? Get Adjusted.
Final exams have stressed college students seeking chiropractic am PST
by Michael Dorausch, staff writer
Forget Ritalin, Red Bull and Starbucks!
Chiropractors across the United States have been reporting an increase in visits from university and college students during the past two weeks as they prepare for final examinations.
If you are a college student, this is definitely the time of year that you are likely to experience great stress, anxiety, and pressure related to final exams. While some students reach for the Ritalin, Red Bull, and Starbucks, others choose to go the natural way, making increased visits to their local chiropractor.
Let's face it, final exams are part of college life whether students like it or not. Every student, and even the professors, may feel pressure and anxiety building up during final exam season. The last thing a student needs is to be stressed, sick, or too uncomfortable to be able to sit for several hours at a time, while taking exams.
Students are finding themselves hunched over the books, up late in school libraries, and churning through flash cards at uncanny speeds. Some students have told me the most stressful thing is having more than one final on the same day, as it becomes tough to focus due to the time constraints.
I don't think I've ever seen a chiropractor advertise or promote to college students about the importance of receiving adjustments during final exam season but somehow they've gotten the idea that chiropractic care is a way to go in relieving stress, un-clouding the mind, and staying focused. About two weeks ago, I had my first college student come in from Loyola Marymount University, in Los Angeles, specifically asking for a "final exam preparation adjustment." I thought it was funny and laughed it off but was impressed that this young 18 year-old freshman took it upon himself to be responsible and come into the office for spinal and nervous system tuning while preparing for his exams. Later that day other students began showing up mentioning stress and anxiety related to preparing for exams.
There are two major universities nearby our office that most college students come from, UCLA and LMU. Since that first student came in two weeks ago we've probably had 40 or more college students mentioning final exams as a cause of stress during the week. That's pretty significant here in Los Angeles since the traffic right now is horrendous and getting to our office is no easy task. Today, some are coming in already done with their last exam for the year and are now requesting a "post final exam I am going to do a lot of partying adjustment." Fortunately, we have just the thing for them!
You don't have to live in Los Angeles to have spinal stress, even though the 405 and 10 freeways are often times primary causes of vertebral subluxation. College students all over the world would benefit from a chiropractic adjustment, or series of adjustments, not only this week, but in the weeks to follow. Many chiropractic offices offer special plans for college students so that they can receive chiropractic care on a regular basis. Ask your local chiropractor if they have a student plan that will suit your needs.
Dr. Michael Dorausch is a practicing chiropractor in Los Angeles, California. While the office serves mainly residents of the beach communities of Santa Monica, Venice, and Playa del Rey, it doesn't matter where you're coming from. If you can get there, they will do their best to serve you.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
The Stress of the Season
Giving to others is still very important. It provides hope for all of us that life here on earth was meant to be enjoyed. We aren’t supposed to do it alone, either. Sharing reminds us the value of community. The gift of each other is the next best gift to the gift of Christ,
Taking care of our health is one gift that keeps on giving. If we are at our best, we will naturally give our best.
I’ve been reminding my practice members to make time for exercise this week. It is probably the easiest thing to ignore while racing around to finish last minute items on our to-do lists.
Remember to take care of yourself, so you enjoy the entire Christmas Season.
Merry Christmas.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Christamas Riddle - Day 7 - Final Question
Take all the words you collected for six days. Certain letters in those words will help you spell the word that is the answer to this question:
A healthy nervous system gives you this. What is it?
Email your answer. The first one who is correct wins 2 months of chiropractic care. The next 2 who are correct get 50% off their two months of chiropractic care.
The winners will be announced at the Christmas part, Wed. Dec. 20, 4-6. At the end of the party I will call the winners if they did not attend the party.
Are You the Type Who Thrives Under Pressure?
Saturday, December 16, 2006
It's Too Cold to Exercise!!
Are you getting fresh air during your lunch break? Put some free weights in your basement or back room and pick them up a few times a day. Get on a rebounder/mini-trampoline and get your heart rate up. Buy some work-out videos to play any time of the day. Walk to go buy the paper. Got any other ideas? Send them to me or use the comment button!!
Keep Moving!!!!!
Energy Revolution
Discounts at your Favorite Stores
Office News ---- Hours Altered for the Christmas Holiday
Join us for a reception 4-6 Wed. Dec. 20. There will be a Christmas Cookie Tasting! Prizes, too!
Friday, Dec. 22 : 8-9; 11-1; 4:00 - 4:30
Monday, Dec. 25 C L O S E D
Tuesday, Dec. 26: 12-1; 4-6
Christmas Contest - Clue #6
Find this sentence on my website or this newsletter.
You will have 6 clues to help you solve tomorrow's riddle. Good Luck!!
The first person to email me the correct answer wins 2 months of chiropractic care. The next two who are correct get a 50% discount for 2 months.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Christmas Contest - Clue #5
Look for this exact phrase in the website: or newsletter.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Christmas Contest - Clue #4
Find this phrase on the website: or this newsletter.
After the six clues, they will help you answer the riddle on day 7.
Good Luck.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Christmas Contest - Clue #3
Remember, there will be 6 clues and 1 riddle. You will find this exact senctence somewhere on the website: or this newsletter.
Smart Shopper Shopping Club
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Christmas Contest -- Clue #2
Find this sentence somewhere in the newsletter or website:
It will be a clue for the riddle on Day #7.
Good Luck!!
Super Size Me -- Are We Asleep at the Wheel?
The two most interesting points of the movie that caught my attention were the following:
(1) It took Morgan almost a year to lose the weight he gained in 30 days. It took him longer to lose the last 4 pounds. Yikes!! That's a warning for all of us. I still have some of my "baby" fat from pregnancy. I could easily gain more weight and make it even more difficult for myself.
(2) One of the bariatric surgeons said stomach surgery is the only cure for diabetics (in his experience I am assuming). To me, this idea takes away people's belief that they can protect their own health. Sometimes it is difficult to avoid eating a food that is not healthy, but we are not stuck in a fast food time warp. I think this doctor's comment sends a very dangerous message. He gives his blessing to eat whatever is at your reach without a thought of the consequences, because anyone can just get his or her stomach sewn up. Is that what we have evolved into? Yikes, again. Yikes. Yikes. Yikes.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
A Closer Look at Diabetes
A Closer Look at Diabetes
I received my latest copy of Health Keepers. [] Although this article is not found online, because it is so recent, you can easily sign up for a subscription.
There is a very eye-opening article on diabetes as a later stage of a digestive problem. If you are interested in prevention this makes perfect sense. It begins in the pancreas which serves two purposes. (1) It produces and secretes digestive enzymes. (2) It also produces and secretes insulin. If a person overeats the wrong diet, ie. unnatural foods, processed, denatured, this overworks the digestive enzymes, thus exhausting and degenerating the pancreas. Eventually all the hormones produced by the pancreas malfunction. The author discusses how it is actually NOT a sugar problem. Diabetes is linked to heart disease and Alzhiemers disease. It is logical to look to the digestive system, not the heart and brain. [***Also, Health Keepers is a great resource for people who want to locate published literature that debunks the disgusting lies about cholesterol and statin drugs.]
While you are waiting to get your copy of Health Keepers, here is an article about a local man, DeWayne McCulley, who cured his own diabetes and made his doctors angry!! [Page.5]
Mr. McCulley wrote a book about his experieince: Death to Diabetes:
New Health Digest is a free, local publication. It provides essential information for people who are dedicated to self-care.
Don't Forget the Christmas Contest. Scroll Down for the First Clue!!
Christmas Contest --Clue #1
First Clue: Dr. Chopra acknowledges the huge impact of ________, which are unseen.
Fill in the blank. You will find this actual sentence somewhere on the website: http://www.CreatePurpose or in a previous entry in this newsletter.
Good Luck. And remeber the first three people who email me the answer on or after day7 will be the official winners.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Start the Year Out with the Gift of Chiropractic
Here are the details:
1. For six days fill in the blank. Each day I will repeat an actual sentence from the website or newsletter. Fill in the blank and save that word.
2. Save all six of the words. They are clues to the final riddle on the seveth day. Keep looking for the next clue each day. I will try to add each newsletter entry each night so start looking tomorrow.
Smart Shopper Shopping Club
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Science is Superstitious
If you go to and click on the wellness videos, you will listen to Deepak Chopra, MD, explain why science is superstitious.
"Seeing is Believing."
If a scientist does not see something, then it is not true. Well, what about gravity? Was Sir Issac Newton off his rocker? If you see an apple fall, then gravity is true. But, we are only watching the effects of gravity. Alas, however, the scientific method has limited us from a great realm of unseen wonders.
Dr. Chopra acknowledges the huge impact of emotions, which are unseen. Now the mind and body connection is being studied with great optimism. Many feel this will unleash massive healing in our societies.
Even the most schooled chiropractors argue whether or not subluxations are seen on an X-ray. But you and I know without a doubt the effects of subluxation are real.
Now we don't have to be so rigid in thinking only seeing is believing. The new mantra is Living is Believing. Share your comments and experiences on this forum.
What is Chiropractic?
How's Your A*S?
This is something I ask every patient and practice member.
How is your adjustment support?
Every time you receive one, adjustments work, each and every time.
But the body and the innate intelligence have to make use of the adjustment. There are many things you can do to make your adjustment more effective:
1. Show up.
If you go too long in between adjustments it's as if you never received an adjustment. It's like putting one coat of paint on your house and wondering why it didn't hold up through a season of harsh weather. Consistency matters.
2. Nutrition.
A diet of fast food, coffee and soda robs your body of nutrients. How can healing take place? If you are starving your body, you are starving your adjustment.
3. Exercise.
Regular exercise strengthens the muscles, and prevents scar tissue from forming so you feel less stiffness.
4. Rest.
Healing and repair take place during quality sleep.
5. Medications.
All medications alter the nervous system as well as a number of vital organs. Always understand the risks and side-effects of medications. Medications may prevent the adjustment from being effective.
6. Self Improvement.
Keep learning. Keep growing. The mind is a very powerful force in your quality of life.
Chiropractors adjust spines because two problems are occurring within the nervous system. It is either too hyper, over stimulated, or too hypo, working inefficiently.
When I ask: how's your a*s, your answer is going to make a difference in your total health.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Confidence Role Models
Do we have different categories of admiration? People in your immediate community? People we may never meet. How about people who are not alive now and may not have been alive during our lifetimes?
Are you a role model? Who looks up to you? Your co-workers? Your children?
Is it overwhelming to think about this? Does this put pressure on you?
At Homic Advanced Chiropractic, I stress how chiropractic plays a role in advancing our human potential, individually and at the community level. Our actions can influence so many futures, not just our own. When you are in the office relaxing on the table ready to receive an adjustment, think about how many people in your life will benefit. You are benefiting from the adjustment, but many others are benefiting from your interactions and contributions. And then they will do the same enriching the lives of others around them. Want to see a lot of great things happen? Get the people in your life to become practice members, too. Get them on the adjusting table.
ÂYou never know how far reaching something you think, say or do today, will affect the lives of millions tomorrow. -- BJ Palmer
Add your comments.........................
****Holiday Health Alert******
During this busy holiday season we tend to eat more, drink more, stress more, put high expectations on ourselves, and sleep less.
Take care of yourself. Please don't forget to get adjusted.
Remember the 13 Reasons to Get Your Spine Checked on a Regular Basis [scroll down to see the article]
Controlled by Confidence
The Better Living Choices Newsletter is going to change a little bit. I will type an entry every day. That forces me to think about fresh topics daily. The entries will also be shorter. I want your interaction. You can influence the direction of the topics. Feel free to comment at the bottom of each entry or send an email to If you send an email. Thanks.
Controlled By Confidence
On occasion, I look back at some of the things I did when I was younger. Many times I have said, "Thank goodness I learned my lesson from that?"
Have you done things as a result of poor confidence? It happens...Luckily, we able to change. So, we are controlled by our own confidence. We are inspired by our own confidence.
Chiropractic provides a confidence that many people are still looking for. Some people may not think that type of confidence is possible.
I am talking about confidence in our bodies, confidence in our abilities. Confidence in healing is a great gift, but there are many who do not believe it is for them. Do you have a theory why that may be? We all have the capability to heal ourselves and thrive. We also have the responsibility to share this knowledge with others.
Confidence has a biological component. It is there within us, but needs to be cultivated and nurtured. In your experience, what are the best ways to accomplish this?
Who are our "Confidence Role Models?"
Enjoy the Wellness Journey.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Why Do I Tell You to Come in Once a Week? Your Life Matters.
Dr. Homic's Mission Statement:
We will feel well and think well and help others do the same.
13 Reasons to get Your Spine Checked on a Regular Basis!
by Dr. Joseph Strauss [Special thanks to for being a great public resource]
1. More Energy
The vital energy that runs your body comes form the brain, travels over the nerves and gives vitality and vigor to your body. Logic says that if that energy is interfered with, your body will not work at its fullest potential.
2. Clearer Thinking, Concentration and Memory.
Did you ever have a day when your mind was extra sharp, thoughts and ideas came quickly or your memory was especially good? Ever have just the opposite type of day? Well, your body chemistry determines to a great extent your ability to think, concentrate and remember. Body chemistry is controlled by your nerve system and your nerve system works better without any interference (vertebral subluxation)
3. Less Stress
How can getting adjusted make your job easier or cause your kids to give you less problems? Well, it cannot. But there is a difference between adversity and stress. Adversities are the circumstances of life. You cannot change them. Stress is the inability to handle those adversities. How well your body is working will determine to some degree how much adversity you can handle and how much stress you have in your life.
4. A Longer Life.
Here is a reason based on logic. All things being equal, you will live longer if you take care of yourself, barring any unforeseen trauma, of course. Taking care of yourself, in no small measure, means keeping your nerve system free of interference due to vertebral subluxations.
5. More Sleep. All sleep is not the same.
Just because you get ten hours does not mean you are getting the kind of rest you need. At different time, we have all awakened refreshed, sluggish, or tired from the same amount of sleep. How well your body is working will determine how much of your sleep is real sleep and not just "down time"
6. Greater Value from Your Exercise.
We all need to exercise regularly. Some of us do not have the energy to get up off the couch and begin a workout, although that is an issue we have already addressed. Some of us have an interference in the nerve system that keeps the muscles of our body from receiving a full complement of vital life energy. It is like trying to exercise a paralyzed muscle. There is not enough energy going to those muscles. That is what happens when there is interference in the nerve system due to a vertebral subluxation.
7. More Balanced Chemistry.
The proper balance of your body's chemistry is unique for you. Only the innate wisdom of your body knows exactly what is should be. People can only guess. The organs, glands and cells of the body must be working properly to produce just the right amounts at just the right time. Your nerve system is critical in the coordination of that function.
8. More Hour in Your Day.
How can you get more than 24 hours a day from chiropractic visits, especially when the visit is going to take at least a little time? Well, time-management experts will tell you that it is the efficient use of your time, not the total number of hours that is the issue. If your mind and body are working as well as they possibly can, you will be more efficient and more than make up for the time it takes to visit your chiropractor.
9. Increased Income Earning Capacity
If you had more energy, clearer thinking, a better ability to handle adversity, more alertness, and were more efficient and physically, mentally and emotionally functioning at a higher level, you work more, work harder, get a better job or possibly a promotion, or even start a business of your own.
10. Improved Relationships.
Why is it that some people seem to be able to get along with people that you cannot stand? Perhaps it is you. If you were functioning at a higher level, if your body chemistry was balance, perhaps you could handle them better and not be bothered by whatever it is about them that affects your relationship. Even better, get them to a chiropractor and you could, perhaps, become best of friends!
11. Improved Performance.
With an improved nerve supply, all your performance levels will be elevated. Whether that improvement is enough to make a difference is an individual matter. As the advertisement says, "Results may vary." However, getting adjusted and doing some other healthy things will have a cumulative effect and result in noticeable changes. It just makes sense to do everything possible to improve performance, including having a good nerve supply.
12. Better Digestion
There are probably hundreds of reasons why certain foods affect certain people. Most times, the cause can be traced back to the inability of the body to handle that food. If it was the food, then it would negatively affect everyone. There are many reasons why your body, in general, and your nerve system, in particular, may not work properly. One of those reasons, an interference in the nerve system due to vertebral subluxation, can be addressed by regular visits to the chiropractor.
13. Enjoy Life More.
The bottom line is to have a happier and more fulfilled life. If you see improvement in the areas above, your life has to be more enjoyable. Even some of the things you do not enjoy now could become more pleasurable and rewarding. Visit your chiropractor this week!
Getting adjusted regularly just makes sense!
Visit Dr. Strauss' Website:
Resolve that Inner Conflict // The Expression of Life Graph
How each of us thinks, feels, acts, creates, and heals is up to us.
<- <- Expression of Life -> ->
o% ..................................................................................................... 100%
Critical Care``Disease/Symptoms````Preventive Care```Possibility Living
Where are you on the Expression of Life Graph? Are you at your fullest expression of life?
Will more people desire to reach their highest levels of physical, mental, spiritual, & emotional well-being?
We were meant to be at our best. Sometimes we forget and allow stress to overwhem us.
6 Main Principles that are at work all the time.
If you are feeling conflicted in your health, thoughts, or emotions, remind yourself of the first three principles:
1. The universe is organized.
2. There is infinite wisdom to the universe: universal intelligence, God.
3. Universal intelligence is expressed through us as innate intelligence.
When we fully embrace these principles we can't help but be ecstatic about life and driven to do more in the world.
Respecting the natural balance between your educated mind and your innate intelligence helps resolve the inner conflicts that principles 4, 5, & 6 illustrate.
4. Although humans have the gift of the educated mind, it has limitations.
5. The educated mind cannot dictate to the infinite wisdom of the universe.
6. The educated mind must be kept in check by balancing pride and humility.
Taken from Dr. Joseph Strauss, DC, Higher Ground.
Visit his website:
Chiropractic keeps you connected to what is important in life.
For more information, attend my class Nov. 21:
The Human Fight: Balancing the Educated Mind and Innate Intelligence.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Listen to Your Head; Your Heart Will Follow
Certain emotions can hide behind ambivalance or avoidance, as well.
Why do people stay the same? Are emotions involved? Some would say no, especially Dr. Edward Miller of John Hopkins University. Studies show 90% of heart by-pass patients cannot change their lifestyle habits, even though they already flirted with death. Fear of death is not a motivator here.
Success requires ignoring your emotions and getting involved in a series of action steps until a new habit is formed. This is a time to listen to your head instead of your heart. If you want to replace a behavior, make an unemotional contract with yourself, follow through with it and see your don't have a different emotion accompanying the result.
If possible, don't do it alone. Get on a supportive team. Get group coaching:
Check out this article: Motivation is not emotion...
Save Your Life: Stop Subluxations
Do you remember these facts from your first chiropractic appointment?
- Subluxations accumulate over time.
- Damage takes place within 48 hours. (calcium deposits, disc weakness, ligament damage, nerve degeneration)
How many 48 hours have gone by and you didn't get adjusted?
As much fun as I like to have in the office, my message is serious. Chiropractic offers a simple solutions to life's problems so we are able to make the office experience enjoyable.
Can you go 48 hours without food? Can you go 48 hours without sleep? Why go more than 48 hours without an adjustment when you know degeneration is taking place? That's when you suffer an injury. What about subluxations caused by chemical, nutritional, and mental stress? You may not have any warning signs.
I ask my patients what do they want to do with a better life? It's more than feeling better. It's about doing things better.
How do subluxations affect my health?
Chiropractic Protects Vital DNA
Visit the 5 Reasons to Get Adjusted Page
Come in and get adjusted. Save your life by recognizing the dangers subluxations pose.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Why would I say that? We feel everyday, all day long. We have emotions. Emotions drive us to have passions. What are you passionate about? Doesn't it move you to achieve something for yourself or others? These are positive emotions.
In the office I ask people how do they feel? The responses range from feelings of pain to feelings of relief since they can go about their life as if it was never interupted.
In a chiropractic office it is expected people will be feeling bad, or in pain and they can talk about it there.
Not every chiropractic patient is in pain. Many are looking to stay healthy and prevent chronic disease by keeping their nervous systems in tune.
I often ask my patients, "What do you want to do when you are feeling better?"
I am asking my patients to take action. I want to know what are they going to do differently from now on?
The power of the adjustment can never be underestimated. When the vital flow of innate is not blocked, we have the energy and the will to strive to be better.
Sure pain slows you down, but in chiropractic we recognize pain as a helpful messenger. Pain is just a response to stress. Manage the stress and you can live better.
Emotions such as joy, anger, and fear, move us to do something. Hopefully the action is positive. What you do is the result of analyzing how you feel.
You spine plays a role in emotions. Your limbic system gives you feelings of well being. Limbic system cells are present throughout the spinal cord. Veretebral subluxations will influence lack well being. For more information read Candice Pert's Molecules of Emotion.
While we always feel, chiropractic can help us make sense of our emotions so we can make appropriate choices how to live our lives.
Fight for Your Health / The FDA's Betrayal
Fight for Your Health
Exposing the FDA's Betrayal of America
by Byron J. Richards
An eye opening book.
"It is a must-read for anyone who wants the truth delivered with impeccable facts and enveloping prose."
"Every person in America who values their life and their health needs to read this book."
Fight for Your Health is a stunning exposé into the secret world of the FDA, Wall Street, and drug companies. At stake is the health and well-being of all Americans. Adverse reactions, even deaths, are hidden while dangerous drugs are pushed on Americans, especially children—simply for profit. The FDA is actively attacking health freedom and seeking to eliminate natural health options. Arm yourself with invaluable information that will help you take charge of your health:
FDA working on behalf of drug companies
Mind-control through “mental health”
The true Codex story; health option control
Globalization at the expense of Americans
Poisoning us with our food and water
Your DNA in government computers
Fight for Your Health documents the scope and severity of prescription-drug fraud in America. It explains, for the first time, how Americans are prescribed billions of dollars' worth of drugs that have serious health consequences. It exposes the inappropriate and detrimental uses of bone drugs, brain drugs, and cholesterol-lowering medication.
Using drugs for prevention and to regulate behavior in children is a medical disaster, undermining the health of our nation. Medical doctors, under the influence of pervasive pharmaceutical marketing, rely on drug-based care for disease prevention and the treatment of people with dubious behavioral diagnoses. Our children are especially at risk: They are being exposed to a national clinical drug trial--an experiment with their brains that will have lifelong consequences.
The FDA has put into mothballs its federal mandate to protect the public. In order to foster drug sales, the FDA hides important medical data from the public and from doctors, including the risks of heart attacks, suicide, seizures, and serious mental-health debility. Even worse, the FDA has changed sides. They are actively undermining the rights of citizens to claim damages if injured by drugs. And they are seeking to remove safety barriers to drug testing. They are planning to expose many individuals to unproven drugs, a new form of human experiment.
President Bush has filled the top positions at the FDA with major promoters of drug sales. The priority of these men is to rush unproven drugs to market, for the financial benefit of Wall Street and Big Pharm.
The FDA is now actively involved in the drug-design business, using sophisticated software to assist pharmaceutical companies in drug development.
The FDA is utterly incompetent to monitor the safety of existing drugs on the market. They ignore the numerous adverse side effects that are reported from toxic drugs used for prevention. They are not able to inform the consumer public of the true risks or possible problems associated with almost any medication.
An example, detailed in Fight for Your Health, is the wide-spread use of statins for lowering cholesterol. These medications are portrayed to the public as safe and effective, when in fact they are among the most dangerous and health-deteriorating drugs that exist. Virtually all adverse side effects of statins, except severe muscle damage and death, are ignored by the FDA. Instead, the FDA promotes seriously toxic use of these these drugs—even for prevention.
At the same time that the FDA is fostering drug development and drug sales, they are actively working to suppress natural-health options which hold tremendous health-care potential, especially for prevention of serious problems. In fact, the FDA assists international efforts to ban the use of helpful nutritional options in America. They continue this effort, even though the majority of Americans fully support natural-health options. The FDA has become an aberrant police force, working against health, rather than protecting us.
Learn the details—empower yourself to Fight for Your Health.
How Vital Connections Become Endangered
Families, work places, social agencies, churches and clubs provide vital connections. Are we getting the full benefit of vital connections? Depression is on the rise. Is it because we no longer value vital connections? Trying to "do it all alone" is an attitude that tends to lead to abandoning them.
Are vital connections endangered species?
Detachment is becoming a modern phenomenon. It is commonplace to be uninterested or involved in the community. Low voter turn out on election day is one example.
Social isolation is often a result of emotional neglect during youth. Once an adult, the individual lives a life of loneliness.
Work demands leave people pressed for time. Have social outlets been replaced by the internet and television? Close relationships even get the short end of the stick when work, interferes with normal social functioning.
Our frenzy over privacy has led us to fear healthy social outlets. In our overly cautious society burdened with identity theft, Do Not Call Registries and SPAM blocking software we distrust so much that we may reject actual positive opportunities to grow in our communities.
This trend of endangered vital connections can be reversed. With a desire to expand all facets of wellness, vital connections are recognized to be just as important. Enjoying your current relationships and creating new opportunities for social outlets are healthy practices to round out your wellness plate.
Keep up on office events:
Friday, September 22, 2006
When Nutrition Doesn't Work
Don't Give Up
Using poor quality supplements is not the only reason people do not see results. Often their bodies are so malnourished, a long period of healing is needed. Is there malnutrition in this country? Oh, yes! Obesity is the #1 sign of malnutrition. Quantity of food is not the issue, but quality is a big concern. The body stays hungry when there is inadequent nutrient intake. The body is hungry for vitamins and minerals.
For people who understand that the modern diet has many deficencies, it makes sense to them to also supplement. Anyone who wants to start a total nutritional overhaul can start first with their food choices.
For diet and supplementation to work, the body must be able to digest and absorb nutrients. A digestive tract that is injured by years of poor nutrition will not respond well, even when healthier habits are introduced.
Vertebral subluxations also inhibit normal digestive tract function. Longterm spinal problems and simple postural strain can disturb the nerves to the digestive system, including the liver, stomach and pancreas.
Supplements need help, as well. The average multivitamin is missing essential enzymes, probiotics and essential fats.
All is not lost, however. A little bit of information and a wellness plan that takes these issues into consideration, will give the results people are looking for.
Call the office for more information.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Talking to Your DNA // Chiropractic Talks Back
Your DNA is that instructional blue print that tells cells how to replicate. Healthy DNA that is able to repair itself influences our health and longevity. Healthy DNA is the key to disease prevention.
Chiropractic made the news last year when a landmark study showed how chiropractic influences the DNA. In this study people under chiropractic care for longer than two years had better DNA repair enzyme activity.
No one can feel their DNA working badly. Active disease is a late clue. No one can feel a subluxation unless significant tissue damage has existed for quite some time. Chiropractic is the proactive approach to disease prevention.
Chiropractic is all about balance so the body can maintain homeostasis. Showing how chiropractic can affect DNA is big news when more and more drugs are pulled off the market because of so many deaths. With all the drugs on the market, chronic diseases are on the rise. It is time to change the perspective on what it takes to maintain health.
Chiropractic's effects are simply explained and simply delivered but the effects are so profound. Keep up with your chiropractic care. It will save your life.
Read the press release for more information:
Curves Matter: Spinal Wellness & Life Span
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Vital Connections // The Wellness Connection // Connect to Your Self // Connect to Your Community
We need each other. This is a fact. How do you define vital connections in your own personal life and do you provide a vital connection to others?
Many think of wellness as physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Our vital connections are important to all three. Our health depends on our vital connections. We look to others for advice and guidance. We offer each other advice and guidance as well as our time. Financial and emotional support are also crucial threads in the weave of vital connections.
We have turned our society into isolated and distrustful atmospheres. Doing a google search using the words isolation, culture, and society reveals a list of topics that range from suicide and aging to poverty and lonliness even in this age of technoligcally advanced in communication.
Time is an important factor in how well we maintain our vital connections. We devote so much of our time working and commuting, very little time remains for family responsibilties. Everyone complains there is not enough time to get things done. The back burner is filling up with undone projects and forgotten dreams.
Can we use our vital connections to help us finish those projects? How do you share your forgotten dreams with your vital connections? How do you develop and nurture connections? If these questions are difficult to answer, it shows how we have taken for granted this crucual link to health, wellness, and our ability to prosper as fulfilled indiviuals. Perhaps our lack of awareness has lead to the deterioration of marriages and business relationships as we fail to relate to each other. The chasm of isolation grows deeper. Today's children grow up lacking the communcation skills and critical thinking necessary for success. There are many attempts to address this problem indirectly with education laws, government sponsored programs, self help books, etc. But the most direct way is to admit we need to prioritize our vital connections.
The "wellness way" provides a basic foundation. All we accomplish depends on our wellness attitudes. The way we take care of our health mirrors the way we take care of everything else. Vital connections help meet our goals with less effort.
Another part of the vital connection is our spiritual connection. Knowing where we came from and where we go after death influences how we want to spend our time in between. This article is not an appropriate forum to debate religion, darwinism, or intelligent design. Time continues to slip away regardless of the debate. Use your time wisely. Recognizing how far reaching your own actions are within your community and beyond is a great motivator.
What is the best way to develop a life-style that values vital connections? The first step is to start with your inner belief system, recognizing your spiritual connection and commiting yourself to goals that are always congruent with it. Religion plays an important role by providing a community that works toward the same goals. Church members make it a priority to be available to each other for support and guidance.
Vital connections expand outward throughout all aspects of life. The family, friends, workplace colleages, professionals, government, volunteers, non-profit groups, and churches all contribute to in some way to the growth of vital connections. Everyone is able to choose and nurture their vital connections.
The Create Purpose Coaching System has 6 steps for designing and meeting goals.
- Step 5 * Use Your Network / Prevent Burn Out
- Step 6 * Help Others Do the Same
Both are based on the benefits of vital connections. Chiropractic also stresses connections that promote life and healing. Everytime someone receives an adjustment, there is an opportunity to be a better person and have a positive influence on the people around them. Honoring vital connections in one's life will greatly enhance the wellness journey.
Next Issue: How Vital Connections Become Endangered
Learn more about Vital Connections:
Attend the Well Living Happy Hour
check out
Mercola Discusses MS: What Diet Has to Do with It
Dr. Mercola's website is one of my favorites. Don't miss it. Subscribe to his newsletter.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Water Water Everywhere, But Not In The Microwave

Special Thanks To
One of my patients who told me about this internet site:
[The photos were too large to add to this page. Be sure to click on the link to see the actual article.]
Microwaved Water and Plants Project...Would You Drink This?
"Microwaved Water and Plants" is a science fair project that my granddaughter did for 2006. In it she took filtered water and divided it into two parts. The first part she heated to boiling in a pan on the stove, and the second part she heated to boiling in a microwave. Then after cooling she used the water to water two identical plants to see if there would be any difference in the growth between the normal boiled water and the water boiled in a microwave. She was thinking that the structure or energy of the water may be compromised by microwave. As it turned out, even she was amazed at the difference.
Below are the pictures that were actually submitted with the project. Some of them were created with photoshop for the science fair presentation from the original photos, so the display would be consistant and easy to follow. The actual original photos are posted at the bottom with thumbnails. They are thumbnailed because the original photos were extremely high resolution.
Followup. We have seen a number of comments on this, such as what was the water in the microwave boiled in. The thinking is that maybe some leaching took place if it was in plastic. It was boiled in a plastic cup, so this could be a possibility. Also it was not a double blind experiment, so she knew which was which when watering them. On top of that she was wanting the microwaved ones to do poorly, and although most scientists would dismiss the idea, it is possible that her thoughts toward each plant had an effect as well. Bottom line is, the results are interesting, and duplicate the results that others have reported (try Googling '"microwaved water" plants') more experiments need to be done with better controls and as a double blind study. But this was a simple 6th grade science fair project, and was never intended to be anything more than that.
The plants were genetically identical, they were produced from graphs from the same parent plant, so that variable can be eliminated.
update 2:Below are the original photos that were taken. The above photos were created from them, some were simply shrunk and text added, but because of inconsistancy in the original pictures, where some of them only showed one plant at a time, or no picture was taken that day of the control, some of them are splices of the original pictures. So although some of the images may appear to be faked, that was not the intention. The actual photos each were spliced from in in these below without modification.
Microwaved Water and PlantsBelow is a science fair project that my granddaughter did for 2006. In it she took filtered water and divided it into two parts. The first part she heated to boiling in a pan on the stove, and the second part she heated to boiling in a microwave. Then after cooling she used the water to water two identical plants to see if there would be any difference in the growth between the normal boiled water and the water boiled in a microwave. She was thinking that the structure or energy of the water may be compromised by microwave. As it turned out, even she was amazed at the difference.
Below are the pictures that were actually submitted with the project. Some of them were created with photoshop for the science fair presentation from the original photos, so the display would be consistant and easy to follow. The actual original photos are posted at the bottom with thumbnails. They are thumbnailed because the original photos were extremely high resolution. Marshall Dudley
Microwaved Water and PlantsBelow is a science fair project that my granddaughter did for 2006. In it she took filtered water and divided it into two parts. The first part she heated to boiling in a pan on the stove, and the second part she heated to boiling in a microwave. Then after cooling she used the water to water two identical plants to see if there would be any difference in the growth between the normal boiled water and the water boiled in a microwave. She was thinking that the structure or energy of the water may be compromised by microwave. As it turned out, even she was amazed at the difference.
Below are the pictures that were actually submitted with the project. Some of them were created with photoshop for the science fair presentation from the original photos, so the display would be consistant and easy to follow. The actual original photos are posted at the bottom with thumbnails. They are thumbnailed because the original photos were extremely high resolution. Marshall Dudley
Followup. We have seen a number of comments on this, such as what was the water in the microwave boiled in. The thinking is that maybe some leaching took place if it was in plastic. It was boiled in a plastic cup, so this could be a possibility. Also it was not a double blind experiment, so she knew which was which when watering them. On top of that she was wanting the microwaved ones to do poorly, and although most scientists would dismiss the idea, it is possible that her thoughts toward each plant had an effect as well. Bottom line is, the results are interesting, and duplicate the results that others have reported (try Googling '"microwaved water" plants') more experiments need to be done with better controls and as a double blind study. But this was a simple 6th grade science fair project, and was never intended to be anything more than that.
The plants were genetically identical, they were produced from graphs from the same parent plant, so that variable can be eliminated.
update 2:Below are the original photos that were taken. The above photos were created from them, some were simply shrunk and text added, but because of inconsistancy in the original pictures, where some of them only showed one plant at a time, or no picture was taken that day of the control, some of them are splices of the original pictures. So although some of the images may appear to be faked, that was not the intention. The actual photos each were spliced from in in these below without modification.
Followup. We have seen a number of comments on this, such as what was the water in the microwave boiled in. The thinking is that maybe some leaching took place if it was in plastic. It was boiled in a plastic cup, so this could be a possibility. Also it was not a double blind experiment, so she knew which was which when watering them. On top of that she was wanting the microwaved ones to do poorly, and although most scientists would dismiss the idea, it is possible that her thoughts toward each plant had an effect as well. Bottom line is, the results are interesting, and duplicate the results that others have reported (try Googling '"microwaved water" plants') more experiments need to be done with better controls and as a double blind study. But this was a simple 6th grade science fair project, and was never intended to be anything more than that.
The plants were genetically identical, they were produced from graphs from the same parent plant, so that variable can be eliminated.
update 2:Below are the original photos that were taken. The above photos were created from them, some were simply shrunk and text added, but because of inconsistancy in the original pictures, where some of them only showed one plant at a time, or no picture was taken that day of the control, some of them are splices of the original pictures. So although some of the images may appear to be faked, that was not the intention. The actual photos each were spliced from in in these below without modification.
*** *** ***
Theft from Mother Nature
Is Your Life Not All It Could Be?
Life-Saving Health Briefs
By Shane Ellison, M.Sc.
Health Myths Exposed and Hidden Truth about Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs
Free at
Warning: Some Health Briefs may shock and even anger you. Feel free to forward.
Theft from Mother Nature
The design of prescription drugs is guided by knowledge obtained from plant –based predecessors, which are commonly sold as nutritional supplements. Drug companies obfuscate this. They like people to think drugs are the only option and that they intuitively invent them out of thin air.
Mother Nature has traditionally been the guide for the design and synthesis of new drugs. Check out these examples.
Ritalin and many other stimulants are knock-offs of the active ingredients found in ma huang AKA ephedra. Ma huang is a safe and effective stimulant that increases mental focus.
Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins are knock-offs of the natural ingredient found in red yeast rice. Akin to the drugs, red yeast rice can dangerously lower cholesterol levels.
Aspirin, the drug that your doctor tells you to take EVERYDAY, is a knock-off of the active ingredient found in white willow bark. White willow bark is a safe and effective pain reliever.
Baicalein, an anti-cancer drug used among those who suffer from leukemia, is a knock-off of the active ingredient found in the roots of Chinese skullcap (Scuterllaria baicalensis). Chinese skullcap is a safe and effective natural cancer fighter that induces cell suicide (apoptosis) among leukemia-derived cancer cells. The tiny family of prescription pain killers used by doctors are knock offs of the natural ingredients found in opium (opium is far safer than current fast acting drug knock-offs).
How to Really Lose Weight After 40
Understand Your Blood Tests Without a Medical Degree
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Parenting in the Chiropractic Philosphy
Parenting in the Chiropractic Philosophy
Two parents raising their children in the chiropractic lifestyle share the choices they’ve made, the struggles they’ve faced and the rewards they’ve received during their journeys.
By Katie K. Bell
Raising children is an inherently challenging adventure. Raising them in a chiropractic lifestyle poses its own set of challenges. Because so many of the tenets of our lifestyle are out of the mainstream, many families have an added dimension to assimilating their children into society. Social events can often become arduous as parent and child try to navigate through questions about adjustments, vaccines and diet choices. Today’s Chiropractic LifeStyle spoke with two parents who have elected to raise their children in the chiropractic lifestyle to find out how they have managed.
Dr. Bill Austin is a director of professional education with Footlevelers and has been in the healthcare industry for 39 years. He has three children—Avelyn, Elizabeth and Nathan.
Dr. Lisa Rubin is a psychologist at Life University’s Student Success Center and her husband is a practicing chiropractor. They have a son named Palmer. (You can read her article “Can Chiropractic Relationships Work?” in the February/March 2006 issue or on
TCL: What is the chiropractic philosophy on parenting?
Dr. Rubin: There really isn’t any formal philosophy, but there is the chiropractic concept of allowing the body to heal itself, that the body knows what it needs. We live in a very chaotic and unsafe world. We have always tried to allow our son to communicate his needs to us and the chiropractic philosophy led me to this direction of self-healing.
Dr. Austin: I don’t know that there is an established philosophy on parenting, but the basic idea that the body has the ability to regulate and heal itself applies to raising children. We wanted to raise happy, healthy confident kids who could cope with their environments. No matter what your philosophy, what matters most is the love and support that you show them.
TCL: What agreements/discussions have you made with your spouse regarding your parenting choices?
Dr. Rubin: There needs to be consistency in the parenting style. Parents need to agree on choices about health and diet beforehand. When a crisis occurs, it helps to have those decisions already made about vaccinations, visiting the doctor and emergency care. I advise people to plan ahead exactly how they will handle those events.
Dr. Austin: We did vaccinate our children, but we did not have diphtheria because it was the most dangerous of the lot. Back then it was the right choice for us, my feeling today is that vaccines play an important role but we do it much too early, before an immune system is built up in the child. My wife and I work hard to communicate with each other even when we disagree—we want to talk it out and communicate. We give each other a tremendous amount of support.
TCL: Have you experienced any conflict due to differing opinions?
Dr. Rubin: My husband and I discussed this years before having children. As a psychotherapist I deal with many couples with different viewpoints on health and care. It creates anxiety and can lead to divorce. Children don’t feel safe when they don’t know what the rules are; they need consistency from both parents.
Dr. Austin: We were both strict vegetarians, practicing meditation in the post-hippie days and trying to figure out what a natural lifestyle was, so when we met we complemented each other.
TCL: What preparations did you make to give birth to your children?
Dr. Rubin: Again, I made this choice long before I became pregnant. I didn’t want to have an emotional response to my decision just because I was pregnant. I visited hospitals and birthing centers. I perceived a lot of fear and came to the point where I felt that the most comfortable place, the place without fear, was my home. It is more important to be where you are not in fear. We had two midwives; at the time, it was a support system. There was the doubt of what if there is a complication or something happened to the baby, but if a crisis occurred, we could go to 911 and to the emergency room. My dad is a physician and I had a backup that most people don’t have available.
Dr. Austin: My wife was a trained midwife and we decided to have all three at home by ourselves. We did our own prenatal checks. We also had support from other midwives.
TCL: Do you ever visit the doctor concerning your children’s health matters?
Dr. Rubin: Palmer has been to a medical doctor three times in his life. When he was first born, we were told to go to a doctor to prove our son was our child because we had no formal birth record from the hospital. Later in his life we needed to visit a plastic surgeon to fix his split lip, and one final time when he had separated his growth plate, which required placing a cast on his foot. Our son understands we don’t do things with medicine. Instead we use the alternatives: rest and naps. Palmer has slowly built up a tolerance to a special way of life. We feel educated enough to monitor his symptoms. He’s never had antibiotics, Tylenol or ibuprofen, in fact, we’ve never given him any medication.
Dr. Austin: Our first child had breathing difficulty at birth, and we took her to the doctor. He wanted to perform exploratory surgery on her to find out why. We took her home and kept adjusting her and today she is a school teacher in Hong Kong. For smaller things such as ear congestion I’d also adjust. After a while I just started showing them how to do it themselves.
TCL: How do you approach your family’s diet?
Dr. Rubin: We began managing our diet when we first started dating. Palmer has followed our diet from day one; it wasn’t a change mid-way. We avoid dairy, sugar, meat, preservatives and coloring.
Dr. Austin: Individuals have their own philosophy, but the more natural the food the better. Studies show red meat isn’t the best quality of protein. We avoid sugar and use our own honey. We tried to educate our kids and share the concepts of healthy eating.
TCL: What decisions have you made regarding your children’s education?
Dr. Rubin: He has been home schooled two different times. When he wants to stay in school, we let him stay; when he wants to come home, we let him home school.
Dr. Austin: All of our children attended public school. We looked at home schooling and felt it was not for us. College was the expectation; they all went to college.
TCL: How do you educate your children about food? Medical care? And non-chiropractic friends and family?
Dr. Rubin: We started from day one explaining everything. If he saw a child with a lollipop, we would offer him a fruit juice lollipop instead. We try to create a substitute and to make his environment as normal as possible. We tell him he can choose his views when he’s older, but for now we’re doing it this way.
Dr. Austin: We primarily used homeopathic remedies for pain. When they got older we’d give them small amounts of aspirin. So much can be done preventatively. We’d check our children regularly to see if they needed adjusting. We would make sure they were well-adjusted in order to set the stage for the body to regulate and heal itself the best way possible. We explained everything to our children.
TCL: How has the rest of your family reacted to your parenting style?
Dr. Rubin: There was a lot of resistance about the home birth and not vaccinating—they were frightened for us. I think we all respect each other’s choices, but we try not to discuss them. We are so vastly different, and we try to leave it there.
Dr. Austin: My mother didn’t understand a lot of it. She was very supportive of me, and she embraced it. My wife’s folks were very opposed to many of the things we were doing. [To them] the thought of putting chiropractic care in front of medical care was reckless.
TCL: Describe an incident when your chiropractic parenting ideals were challenged.
Dr. Rubin: The first time my son had a fever at nine months old in the middle of the night, he was crying, inconsolable. We kept thinking, “This isn’t supposed to happen, maybe we’re wrong. Is our belief system not going to work?” A chiropractor adjusted him, and my son smiled for the first time in five days. It was very humbling.
Dr. Austin: When my first child had trouble breathing after birth, and the doctors told me adjusting her was pure bunk. They wanted to perform exploratory thoracic surgery on her but we opted against it and took her home. I was scared to death but I knew what that surgery meant; it meant splitting her chest open and we weren’t going to do that. As I said before, after repeated adjustments she began to breathe normally.
For All Parents
Parenting in the chiropractic philosophy is tough even for the parenting pros, such as Drs. Rubin and Austin. There will be times when your ideals are challenged. Our experts say the best resource and source of support are other chiropractic parents.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
At War With Lipitor!!
Why am I at War with Lipitor?
So you have it pretty easy. Just go to your favorite pharmacy, hand over your prescription, pull out your insurance card and that one month supply of statin medication priced over $100 is only a $20 dollar co-pay out of your pocket. Everything is good. And everyone else took care of most of the work for you.
So what is wrong?
Isn't it too easy?
It is too easy. The real work would be to look at how choleterol was discovered, what scientists thought it proved, and why studies are showing the majority was mislead.
What is the real cause of heart attacks? Cholesterol has very little to do with it.
What are statin drugs doing to the heart? There is a rise in congestive heart failure.
Why do people with low cholesterol have shorter life spans? Because cholesterol plays a vital role in hormone health.
Before anyone decides to take a statin medication, he or she needs to realize there is sacrifice with very little reward. This is not a win win situation. Before anyone makes a decision, he or she needs to be well equiped to make an informed decision.
Most people are not well informed enough to make an informed decision.
Numerous organizations such as the Life Extension Foundation, Health Keepers Alliance, Weston A. Price Foundation and Dr. Mercola are speaking out about the dangers and corupt politics with satin medications and what the public is not infomed about heart health.
You won't hear about them on a TV commercial. Take the time to look at what information they offer.
The Benefits of High Cholesterol
Dangers of Statin Drugs: What You Haven't Been Told
Cholesterol Drugs Cause Heart Disease
Health Keepers Alliance
The Dangers of Statin Drugs, Vol 8 Issue 1 [order this issue at the website ]
The Patent is Almost Up! Is That Why Statin Drugs Are "Shoved" Down Our Throats?
The Cholesterol Lie: Why Cardiologists Are Just Plumbers
Cholesterol Unscientific
What Really Causes Clogged Arteries
What Bill Clinton's Doctor's Didn't Do
Health Myths Exposed
Chiropractic & Heart Health
Don't forget regular chiropractic care for maintaining homeostasis and regulating the healing process.
Blood Pressure
Heart & Kidney Abnormalities Correlated with Spinal Health
The Shape of Your Spine, Organ Health, & Life Span
Remember during your new patient orientation when I talked about poor posture and forward head carriage leading to poor cardiopulmonary function? Here's more info.
I hope this has your mind working overtime. Please visit my office soon and ask about a specialized wellness plan.
Thank You.
Dr. Lisa
Join David in Bed...
Join David in Bed (the 'Wake Up Video’)When I say join me in bed – I mean it.I'm going to go out on a limb here.I'm actually going to bring you into my bedroom and show you the first 8 minutes of my day.Why? Because I've discovered a simple process that is responsible for a lot of my creativity. For my clarity. For my direction. And for my motivation.I’m about to show you, video frame by video frame, a process I use that’s largely responsible for my business success.It's pretty quick - and I got my whole business vision for SolutionBox out of it. Interested?You’ll be thinking…."I don't want to see it, yet I cannot look away!" Yeah - I know. Me waking up is not a pretty sight I warn you - but c’lick here to watch the 8 minute video and discover this life changing process:The Wake Up Video (Click Below)
It can help you:- get motivated to do things you’ve been putting off- generate a whole to-do list from the subconscious mind, not the conscious- be incredibly creative.
Watch:The Wake Up Video* * *Have you used this process? If so - post your experience on the blog
Going to use it? Post your commitment here .
The Wake Up Video
David's The Truth About Women E-Book
Prescription Drug Induced Obesity
Many factors regulate a person's weight. The metabolism dictates the rate at which food is converted to fuel substrates. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) stores and releases fat burning molecules known as catecholamines. Thermogenesis, the receiver of the SNS signal, converts fatty acids to heat. This prevents fat storage. The messenger hormone leptin controls the hunger switch. Receiver of the leptin message, the brain tells us when to eat, how much to eat and when to stop eating. Commonly used prescription drugs can interrupt many weight regulating factors. When used long term (6 months or more), these drugs elicit obesity among most users. This is true despite rigorous workout or diet routines that may be employed. Ever met someone who exercised religiously yet failed to lose fat?
The most common of these drugs are those used to treat high blood pressure (beta blockers such as Atenolol), depression (SSRI's such as Zyprexa), and diabetes (sulfonylureas such as Amaryl and thiazolidinediones such as Avandia).
Live free of pandemic killers such as obesity, insulin resistance, cancer, heart disease, and many others! Visit
This is not medical advice. Medical diagnosis and treatment is constrained by law to be the monopoly of state licensed practitioners. Shane Ellison holds a Masters degree in organic chemistry and a Bachelors in biology and chemistry. His experience in drug design and synthesis afforded him a wealth of knowledge in the areas of natural medicine and therapeutic nutrition.
He is not a doctor.
In fact, he has never even read Gray's Anatomy.
3600 Cerrillos Dr. #714C-802
Santa FeNew Mexico 87507United States
Life-Saving Health Briefs
By Shane Ellison, M.Sc.Author Health Myths Exposed and Hidden Truth about Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs
Thursday, June 22, 2006
This Week At A Glance //// A New Look with Better Living Choices
This Week At A Glance
- Find out when high cholesterol is normal and expected!
- What is the real danger lurking under your cabinets and in your shower!
- Chiropractic should give you a different look at cancer.
- Never underestimate the importance of wellness
Continuing scrolling for the articles.
Unraveling the Cholesterol Mystery in Women
Unraveling the Cholesterol Mystery in Women
Cholesterol: how high is too high, and how low is too low?
Did you know that a healthy cholesterol level is actually between 175 and 250? Cholesterol performs many important functions in our body, so it is dangerous to reduce overall cholesterol below this level.
The lower the number goes (down in the 120’s or below), the more hormone dysfunction both men and women will experience. It is not uncommon for women to experience infertility and/or miscarriages at this dangerously low level.
And, here’s another surprise – cholesterol levels might rise to 300-400 in women during the last trimester of pregnancy, and during their menopausal time of life. Both of these occasions in a woman’s life are times of great hormonal fluctuations, and the rise in cholesterol numbers serves to protect the woman’s body and guide it through this hormonal transition.
After birth, and post-menopause, the cholesterol levels normalize back into the 175-250 range IF the woman is eating a healthy diet rich in essential fatty acids (fish, flax and olive oils) and fiber.
Celebrate the hormonal symphony of life going on in your body...naturally! If you would like further nutritional information, or general information about normalizing your cholesterol levels in a healthy manner, contact Sharon Grimes, Certified Natural Health Constultant/Educator at 315/252-2676 at the New Hope Natural Health & Wellness Center, 181 York Street, Auburn.
Lipitor has not been shown to prevent heart disease or heart attacks.
They have to put that on the drug's insert.
Why do they have to do that? Because it is the truth!!
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