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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Resolve that Inner Conflict // The Expression of Life Graph

Realizing the potential we have within leads to a path of progressive wellness.

How each of us thinks, feels, acts, creates, and heals is up to us.

<- <- Expression of Life -> ->

o% ..................................................................................................... 100%

Critical Care``Disease/Symptoms````Preventive Care```Possibility Living

Where are you on the Expression of Life Graph? Are you at your fullest expression of life?
Will more people desire to reach their highest levels of physical, mental, spiritual, & emotional well-being?

We were meant to be at our best. Sometimes we forget and allow stress to overwhem us.

6 Main Principles that are at work all the time.

If you are feeling conflicted in your health, thoughts, or emotions, remind yourself of the first three principles:

1. The universe is organized.
2. There is infinite wisdom to the universe: universal intelligence, God.
3. Universal intelligence is expressed through us as innate intelligence.

When we fully embrace these principles we can't help but be ecstatic about life and driven to do more in the world.

Respecting the natural balance between your educated mind and your innate intelligence helps resolve the inner conflicts that principles 4, 5, & 6 illustrate.

4. Although humans have the gift of the educated mind, it has limitations.
5. The educated mind cannot dictate to the infinite wisdom of the universe.
6. The educated mind must be kept in check by balancing pride and humility.

Taken from Dr. Joseph Strauss, DC, Higher Ground.
Visit his website:

Chiropractic keeps you connected to what is important in life.

For more information, attend my class Nov. 21:
The Human Fight: Balancing the Educated Mind and Innate Intelligence.

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