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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bill Frist Knows Health Care Reform Should Focus on Health NOT Sickness

Bill Frist, who is a medical doctor and U.S. Senator from Tennessee from 1995-2007, was on the news shows recently. He stated the problem is behaviors. Better health habits would reduce the cost of health care (...oops, I mean sickness care). With the right support from health coaches, people can improve their health over time. It takes longer than a drug but it is authentic and more meaningful. Coaching is different from "treating" so you have to find a professional who will focus on positive change. Most treatments are one size fits all and expects fast results. For example a drug can lower your cholesterol in about 30 days but that doesn't change the vitality of your arteries and heart. In the case of statins, they weaken the heart.

I'd love to write to Dr. Frist and give him my support but I can't find his email and don't know how to contact his PR person. Perhaps later in the day when I have more time to search.

For now, I went to and reiterated what he said with some additional information about genetics.

With these web forms keeping it "short and concise" is ideal. You can read here the message I sent:

"Bill Frist, MD, was on Fox and Friends talking about health care reform not working to help people even if it is paid for because the real problem behind sickness is behavior. He states 40% is behavior and 30% is genetics. I don't believe the genetics number because science now shows you can change your DNA with diet, emotional health, and chiropractic care. Bill Frist is still right. Over 70% of our health depends on behavior. Paying for sickness care makes it easier to behave badly. That's about it. I understand the food, restaurant, tobacco, alcohol, and pharmaceutical industries will take offense and our constitutional rights come into question as individuals and business owners don’t want more taxes. Reward health, not sickness. Incentives are better than taxes."

I should have edited it more. Run-on sentences is my downfall. Anyway, my vision is still strong. Join me in the Breakthrough Wellness Program: Personal Power Health Care Reform.

Remember, you get to choose, for now. Protect your right to choose.

See you at the table...the chiropractic table.

--Dr. Lisa
Your Health Freedom Coach

Create Purpose


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