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Sunday, October 29, 2023

If You Care, It Shows

When I was in 6th or 7th grade I bought my first guitar. I saved up a huge pile of quarters for months.  My grandma would slip me a five dollar bill every now and then.  It was about $125 including tax.  I had my eye on the display at Kmart. Finally the day came when my new guitar was placed in it's cardboard box and I took it home. 

Being a kid.  I had no idea of the quality of the wood, or how the type of assembling gave the guitar its unique sound.  At that simple age, I was proud I could afford a "starter" guitar.  I enjoyed it. 

This is much like the folks I meet who believe they are doing great with the "one a day" style vitamins.  The ones advertised all over the TV.  They are "starter" pills.  I did the same thing when I was in my 20s.  I took  a CVS vitamin once and day and felt proud that my urine was yellow.  I knew I wasn't up to snuff if my urine was pale looking.  It meant I missed a dose of my great store vitamins. 

Just like my Kmart guitar, these cheap pills are just that, cheap.  However, a beginner's guitar is not dangerous to health.  Synthetic vitamins are horrible. 

Now that I hang out with more people who play guitar, I know more about quality.  You don't buy the cheapest instrument at the department store.  You actually go to a music store that specializes in stringed instruments.  You may even go straight to the crafter who builds guitars. 

This is the same with nutrition companies.  As you learn more about quality, you go to specialists.  You can even visit their farms and production plants. 

If you think you deserve the best quality nutrients, especially knowing how drastically poor our food supply is, you will go to specialists.  You won't listen to corny commercials during your favorite Monday night sit-com. 

In fact, the high quality supplement companies do not waste their money on fancy TV commercials.  They have more important things to do, like inspecting raw materials and planting regenerative crops. 

As we get older, we get smarter, right? More experience means you give yourself more options. 

Yes, I carry my favorite supplements in my office.  And I take them myself, for my own health.  

Oh no, I'm trying to get more money out of you by selling supplements.  

It's a free country.  You can go to the drug stores and buy what you want.  Ask the counter clerk for a copy of a quality analysis of your favorite supplement.  I bet the clerk can't even find the phone number for customer support.  Ask which farm you can visit. The store clerks are not invested in the products.  They just stack them on the shelves.

I have a new guitar, a Taylor Mini Special Edition.  It's got a great sound. It took a while to decide it was time for a new guitar.  Actually I haven't had one for many years.  I don't have my beginner guitar any more.  With all my moves, I have no idea where it ended up. 

With my new guitar I'm committed to play more, get better. 

When it comes to chiropractic, which is Greek for practice of the hands, cheir + praktos, you want to to support your adjustment with top notch nutrition.  I use my hands to adjust the spine.  You also practice with your hands the lifestyle habits that support your chiropractic care. 

Your body is reorganizing itself all the time.  Your nervous system is busy guarding and guiding bodily functions.  It deserves your thanks.  It deserves reimbursement.  Energy out = Energy In.  Pay back what stress takes. 

Just as I am inspired to be a better guitar player with a nice instrument, I hope you are inspired to understand how profound chiropractic and nutrition can be in your life. 

When you know how well designed your body is, you are more inclined to take better care of it.  Simple idea, but it can give you great mileage.  

My battle begins everyday when I have to first tell people that they are not diseased, they are not aging, and they are not falling apart.  You are built like a fine stradivarius.  We are not as flawed as we have been taught, but that negativity goes deep.  This belief does great damage to our brain's ability to handle stress.  Let's reverse the trend of misleading information.  

Get acquainted with your intelligent brain and body so you can see real improvements in your health. 

Learn the basics of the Brain First Protocol. 

Treat yourself like you would treat a valuable and beautiful stradivarius. Because you are valuable and beautiful. 

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