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Sunday, October 29, 2023

What If I Didn't Grow Up The Way I Did?

 I've been fascinated with Dr. Harvey Bigelsen's work which is now being carried on by his sons, Josh and Adam. I'm feeling a little jealous. 

Dr. Harvey Bigelsen (SUNY Buffalo Medical School) was a trauma surgeon in the Vietnam War.  He had a high success rate with his patients until he came back to the States to practice medicine.  Once nestled in the monopolistic health system, his hands were tied, so to speak.  There are a lot of frustrating rules to follow.  Not that he was a rule breaker, but if you read his books or listen to his interviews, he clearly explains why the typical health care modalities are insufficient in giving people their lives back. 

So, his sons grew up in a home that was far away from the current medical system.  They had no exposure.  They were asked by an interviewer what did it feel like when they learned there were much better ways to get healthy. They said that "ah ha" moment never happened.  They had no idea that most of us in drug free health approaches were refugees from a lost system.  

I felt very lost when I was a mental health therapist watching people suffer under a system that often made them worse. I had to leave.  I felt the same frustration working as a consultant in a nursing home.  

When Dr. Harvey's sons said they did not have that kind of disappointing experience, I was in awe!  

I wish I grew up that way.  I am middle-aged now and feel I barely scratched the surface of what makes us great.  After years of adding to my education, I now have a lot of unlearning to do. What if I didn't grow up the way I did?  I was lucky to learn about the body systems when I was a little kid in grade school, but I veered off that path of understanding when I was immersed in the medical view point.  You learn how wonderful the body is, until you learn the opposite.  

People just accept that sickness is a part of life.   They stop short.  They never search.  You don't search for something unless you really think you can find it. 

I rejected that broken down idea when I saw my grandmother suffering.  I didn't want to follow in her footsteps. 

How do we reverse course? It starts with your brain.  

Brain First / Body Follows

What your brain learns and experiences, it repeats back to you in your body.  

Chiropractic helps sort it out and teach your brain patterns that are compatible with life ---

---- a vibrant life.  

How does that work?  Ask me to teach you the Brain First Protocol.



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