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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Stop Ignoring the "Silent Hurts" Especially in Your Children

I have no pain.....

But you have "Silent Hurts."

You let your kids play rough, watch them get up off the ground, and ignore it as if nothing bad is going on.  Below the surface cells are dying.  Yes, cells always die, but a mechanical distortion in the spine restricts nerve flow so the rebuilding does not occur when it is appropriately needed.

I call this the Silent Hurt.

Those blows, falls, wipe outs, heavy back packs, cell phone use all contribute to underlying damage that does not hurt.

I also see twenty year olds and thirty somethings who think they are immortal.  Their body runs on auto-pilot.  There is no auto-pilot.  The nerves need TLC.

I see people in their 50's who are disabled who told me, "I never had a health concern in my life.
Why now?"

This is what chiropractic has to offer:
Chiropractic is the opportunity to replenish the life sustaining conditions through the nervous system that promotes healing.  We can't use it just once or twice.  Chiropractic is an important health habit.

Learn more about it.

See you at the table.
The adjusting table.

--Dr. Lisa
--Your Health Freedom Advocate

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