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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

When You Need to Focus, Shoot Pool: Balance & Self Growth Exercise

I was listening to Dr. Laura today and she was talking about how she has been learning to play pool. I have played myself a time or two but was never consistent with it. It certainly develops concentration.

When you first learn pool, as in any new activity, you wish you could put your brain and body in slow motion until your coordination improves. Over time the new nervous system connections sprout up making your brain more efficient.

This doesn't apply to only sports and music because eye hand coordination are very important. But thinking-deciding-doing coordination needs this much attention, as well. If you are working a desk job you don't' raise your heart rate that much, but you want an alert brain to help you handle all the intellectual tasks at hand. That's why pursuing a leisure time activity such as music or sports helps with planning and problem solving.

Dr. Laura said on her show today that she was overwhelmed with the amount of work needed to improve at pool and it was aggravating to her. I don't blame her. Someone with a black belt still needs to reestablish a different nerve pathway to accomplish this new activity. She took a week off so she could resume with a fresh perspective.

How is your own thinking-deciding-doing coordination? Are you stuck in a rut with our goals and actions? Take up a new hobby to refresh your outlook.

See you at the table...the adjusting table

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