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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Subluxated Mind & Body: Healing Should Always Be On Your Mind

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As you know chiropractic is concerned with how well you are healing. We discuss in the office how the ability to heal determines how healthy someone can be.

We are always healing, as long as we are alive, however...we may not be healing well.

Every stress in your life leaves a "subluxation footprint" on your spine which in turn changes the way your nervous system responds to stress.

Hans Selye, the father of stress felt when the body could no long "put up with" (my lingo) the compounding effects of stress, death results. He called it the Exhaustion Stage.
More on Dr. Selye:

Subluxations of the spine result from chemical, emotional, and physical traumas over a person's lifetime. Healing is greatly hampered when subluxations interfere with healthy nervous system function.

How do you know you are subluxated?
Your health history is more revealing than how you feel.
You can feel fine and have underlying subluxations slowly and unknowingly changing your health.

1. A history of falls, fractures, injuries, car accidents (even minor ones), sports injuries, recreational injuries, head injuries.

2. Pregnancies

3. Difficult birth

4. Childhood illnesses

5. Vaccinations

6. Poor diet

7. Emotional stresses

8. Chemical exposures

9. Adult illness that need regular maintenance such as thyroid disorders, diabetes, asthma, etc.

10. Educational difficulties

What's next? Get a chiropractic evaluation.
If it has been a month or longer since you have seen a chiropractor, get back on track. It takes less than 48 hours for subluxations to start the degeneration process.

How well would you like to heal? Your future healing depends on how you take care of your subluxations now.

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