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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Subluxated Health News: When the Truth Is Cloudy

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Subluxated Health News is misinformation you need to be aware of so you can make proper health care decisions.

Yesterday while driving I heard a news report on the radio about saturated fats not being the villain they were touted to be all these years. I went home to google it so I could add the link here in the newsletter.

I am having trouble finding it so I think it is going to take me a while. I have to refine my search and try to find out what journal published it. If anyone knows, please let me know.

I was not all that fearful of saturated fats. In a balanced diet consisting of "natural" meats that are baked or broiled, these saturated fats are needed for the body.

This news release is not news anyway. Dr. Mercola was talking about this 3 years ago. In fact, he calls the misinformation "Hogwash!" and I don't blame him.

One of the best books on healthy eating is Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon
I saw her in person a few years ago when she spoke at an organic farming convention at the Waterloo Holiday Inn. She exposes the political inaccuracies that we are inundated with regarding the foods on our grocery store shelves. Many health care professionals are very emotionally stuck on these inaccuracies and unintentionally teaching wrong concepts about nutrition. That may be why most avoid talking about it at all.

Please be an informed consumer and learn all you can on your own. I began my search for the best health information more than 14 years ago and it lead me to the chiropractic profession. As I continue educating myself, I will be here to help you sort through the news releases and media bombardment.

Here is an interesting review of Sally Fallon's book. When someone says, "This book saved my health," it is worth taking a look at it.

More from Dr. Mercola:

Another good website:

The Numbers Don't Lie Diet .....Free Gift for visiting the website

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