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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Doctors Who Jumped Ship (More in 2024)

 I came across this neurosurgeon who entirely left the medical profession.  He gave a long but very insightful explanation.  Much of what he said is relevant to today's ongoing "health care crisis."  I really felt empathy for him and I understand exactly where he is coming from.  

I encourage you to listen to his story.  LISTEN HERE.

He belongs in my Doctors Who Jumped Series that I began writing in 2020. You can revisit the entire series here. 

There are a few take home messages with this gentleman.

#1- There are certain life style habits that help you not need surgery.  Many of his patients who had a date of surgery scheduled managed to do some self care and then cancel the whole thing. 

#2- I would venture to say there are certain personalities that do not need surgery.  Looking at number there are people who have a particular mind-set that helps them get through these kinds of challenges.  And listening this man's story he met a number of folks who quickly adopted this mind-set when push came to shove. 

#3- Watching surgery fail so many people is absolutely disconcerting to health care professionals who went through extensive training.  Imagine being led to believe your education will make a difference but once you are so deep in the time and money you realize it was a mistake. 

This gentleman is now taking a major retreat, time out for himself, so he can rest his brain, and figure out a way to make a come back without the long term effects of trauma.   Now, it does sound dramatic when I say "trauma"  but it is a considerable demoralization when reality did not meet expectations.  I believe we all have a similar experience when something was a huge disappointment.  After all, we want to be optimistic and trusting.  As I mentioned in by book, You Don't Have a Disease You Have A Nervous System, I wanted to show respect to my teachers.  You need a bit of humility when you're learning from those who have been in the field a whole lot longer. 

The beauty of life is that each of us is incredibly different.  We each have our unique dreams, talents, and experiences.  We don't want to be carbon copies of each other.  Innovation comes from creativity and looking at things from a different perspective. 

This gentleman is facing uncertainty, but I bet he'll do just fine. As he has realized that a person's mind-set plays so much more in person's state of health, which most of medicine ignores, he'll make the most of his authentic mind-set paving a new way in the world. 

If you remember from your chiropractic orientation packet that each new member receives on day one, studies have shown chiropractic enhances cognitive therapy, psychological therapy as well as in pain perception, mobility, and endocrine function. 

Read more: 

Chiropractic and Mental Health

Dr. Peter Breggin, Psychiatry Reformer

Chiropractic is a neurofeedback training exercise.  This enhances your ability to rewire how your brain perceives the world and nurtures your body.

Chiropractic as a maintenance practice rewires the brain.  It takes time and repetition, which is how your brain has learned all your life.  This time we are more deliberate. 

Welcome to Empowerment. 

See you at the table....the chiropractic table.

---Dr. Lisa

A May 23, 2020 PubMed article, Medical Error, sites medical mistakes as one of the leading causes of death in the United States.  Statistics from different years show it has ranged from number 6 to the third cause of death.   Choose carefully.  Get multiple opinions.

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