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Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Your Health Care Shouldn't Feel Like Unfinished Business

December Special: 20 Minutes Free

(last day: December 30, 2020)

Brain Sense Tele-Health

...Connect the Dots...

Your health care shouldn't feel like unfinished business

Watch my infomercials at

Click on the link:Brain Sense Tele-Health”

Check out my E-Book on Kindle: What Side of Stubborn:

Why Do No Harm Means Undoing Decades of Harm

We have an overburdened health care system that helps you get somewhat better, but you fall through the cracks.

Q. Why?

A. 1- No one makes the time to give you what you really need.

2- What you really need cannot be patented or profited but it's still worthwhile.

3- What you really need comes from YOU with a little bit of education and coaching.

I know your story. I lived it. --Dr. Lisa

Fill the cracks.

Don't fall through the cracks.

Phone / Zoom / Duo / In Person

$2 per minute – you choose the time increment

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