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Sunday, March 19, 2017

I Really Hate It When Folks Don't Feel Better - Part 2

I can feel pretty down when folks don't take a deeper look at important aspects that influence healing. They shut down the conversation, change the subject or explain to me why things have to be the way they are.....

I deal with many mental blocks that are pretty tough to break down because they are so well ingrained in society's way of dealing with health. For example: the fix it fast mind-set regardless if it is a safe solution with real benefit.

When we are locked into these mental blocks it's very difficult to give the body what it truly needs (and we tend to expose our bodies to dangerous habits).

What are the massive mental blocks I see?
1- Feeling there is no time for health because of a demanding work schedule
2- Lack of belief that healthy changes can happen
3- Putting up with an unhappy work environment 
4- Addictions to foods and chemicals that are clearly destructive to the body.
5- Addictions to foods  and drinks we are told are healthy but actually wreak havoc on the body.
6- Spending money on unhealthy activities that could be better spent on non-insurance items or services that rebuild the body.
7- Lack of exposure to other people who demonstrate habits that influence true healing.

Too much of the destructive stuff....
Not enough of the nourishing stuff...
Not enough support...
Not enough desire to reallocate time and energy in this direction because it's just not that bad yet.  

These mental blocks hover around the adjusting room and set up a negative psychological aura that doesn't allow people to break through the glass ceiling.  

Psychological stress tightens muscles, increases cortisol, raises heart rate, raises blood sugar leaving us in a perpetual state of inflammation.  Think of it as a big fire and we are throwing three or four ice cubes on it.  

I'm here to get you through these difficult road blocks.  But you have to use me.  You have to ask me how to reach the core of the apple.  You have to let me know you want to hike through the thicker brush of the forest cutting down the vines and limbs that are blocking the path.  This is called "advanced chiropractic."

I don't know if you want to go deeper in your journey.  I can only nudge and see who bites.  I cannot force people. 
And we have too many societal forces going against us. 

Let's have a chat.  See you at the table.
The adjusting table.

**Hey, have you seen my favorite online shopping sites for fantastic topical and liquid health products?

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