If you are taking a minimal amount of prescription drugs and you think you are safe, don't feel so secure. True health reform starts by reforming our mind-set.
The rumors are out regarding Michael Jackson's death. He had incredible access to pain killers. He suffered a fractured vertebra. If it healed poorly it would explain why someone would seek anything out to feel better. It can get out of control, especially with easy access and a society that condones the pharmacy market. This societal permissiveness is dangerous! And it is quite sneaky...
TV commercials make drugs look like wonderful products that make life so much easier. Medicare Part D now pays for drugs. Insurance companies pay for drugs. Walmart and other discount stores provide drugs for $4. Like this is a miraculous deal!
We are not getting healthier. In fact, many of us are dying.
Properly prescribed and administered drugs according the medical standard of care kills a significant number of people.
[Source: Journal of American Med. Assoc, July 26, 2000; Nov. 1, 2000; p 484; West J Med. June, 2000, 172(6):390-3. Visit http://www.leadingcauseofdeathprescriptiondrugs.com/]
I detested drugs long before I became a chiropractor, but I really saw how dangerous they were to self esteem when I was a mental health counselor. People believe the lie that they are defective. Drug use (drugs of all kind..) lead us to self-hate. We feel like we have no control over our own lives. We feel like failures. The body wasn't meant to fail us. We just forgot what it really takes to nurture it.
I know there is more to Michael Jackson's tragic death and I feel sorry for him. But this is another example of our twisted beliefs about obtaining health. If he was working out to get ready for his upcoming tour and was taking these drugs at the same time, that was an awful combination.
What I wish I knew was how were his subluxations being taken care of? What was his diet like? What nutritional supplements could have restored tissue health decreasing his pain? What other mental or physical stressor was he ignoring every time he popped a pill into his mouth? What kinds of stresses were destroying his nervous (survival) system? Remember, he didn't die of cardiac arrest. No one dies of disease. His nervous system was no longer able to support his heart.
Health care reform is focusing on more of the same: this lack of confidence in the body so we must fund disease care. I am afraid we will all be disappointed by the outcome of health care reform because our leaders insist on making drugs cheaper somehow.

True health care reform will occur when we re-form our thinking. Our leaders want to continue mainstream health care and try to look creative with the tax money. We must change our views about how we live. We need to look at life style changes. We need to place more emphasis on the nervous system.
In my office we always emphasize the nervous system. It gets difficult at times because we are so stuck on our symptomatic approach. I have to avoid getting sucked into the symptom storm otherwise I stop providing something that is different.
Your continued dedication to your spinal health for the best nervous (survival) system will make chiropractic become the new mainstream health care.
Chiropractic adds nothing to the body and takes nothing away. The beautifully illustrates how well equipped we are to live a vitalistic life.
Stop the self-hate. Learn how the body truly works.
Remember, you get to choose.
See you at the table...the chiropractic table.
--Dr. Lisa
Your Health Freedom Coach
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