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Saturday, November 15, 2008

PTSD & Chiropractic

The Pentagon is looking at new ways to treat troops suffering from combat stress. USA Today reported that an army study showed that 1 in 4 combat soldiers with post traumatic stress disorder are using herbs, chiropractic, acupuncture, and vitamin therapy to help themselves. The pentagon spent $5 million this year to study these therapies.

It is good to know people are discovering chiropractic is not a mechanical aspirin for pain but it is a modulator of brain chemicals that influence emotions and behavior.

In researching for this blog article I found this article on a case study of one woman involved in domestic violence and how she resolved her situation.
READ THE STUDY HERE. It goes on to discuss the positive social and financial impact chiropractic can have.

This is the direction I want chiropractic to take. With enough enlightened people the information will get out much faster. Have you told someone about the chiropractic lifestyle? I thank you for doing so.

You get to choose.

--Dr. Lisa
Your Health Freedom Coach

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