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Friday, May 30, 2008

"The Presciption Mind-Set" Is the Worst Subluxation

"...Americans spend more on medicines than than do all the people of Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zeland, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina combined."

This quote is from page 5 of Our Daily Meds by Melody Peterson.

And guess what? The people in those countries out live us and have a better quality of life. According to the World Health Organization, over 45 countries beat us in life expectancy.

The drug "market" is all about marketing drugs that make us repeat customers for life. Dr. Salk was asked who had the patent on his vaccine and he said the people did and he told his interviewer there could be no patent. It would be like patenting the sun (pg 177).

The truth is drugs are patented and the big search is on the drugs that are called mainentance drugs. There is no profit in curing. There would be no repeat business.

Here's the kicker. These medications have side effects and they are not merely side effects. Some sound like minor annoyances like a headaches or wieght gain, but they cause more disease. And doctors are so busy trying to figure out what is wrong with people that they can't spend adequate time with any of their patients.

In chiropractic, people on medications do not respond to their adjustments. There is just too much chemical stres on the body for the nervous system to function. It's like trying to use a phillips screw driver when you need a flat head screwdriver.

The most important job I have besides teaching people how to live well is to apply adjustments to the spine so their nervous systems don't lead the body into self-destruction. There are three causes of subluxation: trauma, emotional, and chemical and medicines are certainly a major chemical causes of subluxation (don't forget poor nutrition, too).

We need to rethink our attitudes towards drugs. Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zeland, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina and seem to know something we don't.

See you at the table...the adjusting table.

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