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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Beware: The News Doesn't Want You to Know and is Super Slow to Tell You

 Ah Ha !!!  This is the hard truth about the media.  They keep important matters under wraps until it is too late.  Then the media acts as if it is doing you a favor by reporting on it.....years... decades too late. 

This is media-malpractice.  Or you can just call it plain old deception. 

What I am about to discuss here on my blog today is nothing new.  For me, it is old news.  But for most of America, the people are in shock!!  

Allow me to give you my take on Matt Walsh's recent video: 

(By the way, let's see how long it stays up on YouTube.)

Just a reminder here: If you wonder why I go on on these tangents, not related to chiropractic, that's because they are not tangents.  They are important.  They are very much important to me as a chiropractor because chiropractic is about how the brain is perceiving your environment.  If your brain's perception is not what you like, you need to change it.  We use chiropractic to set the stage for new learning, new experiences, and efficient healing/rebuilding. 

Here we go.  Matt Walsh relives the Tom Cruise/Matt Lauer confrontation about psychiatric medications in a Today show interview from 2005.  Mr. Walsh commends Tom Cruise for being "right on the money," that there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance and that no one has really tested people for proof before putting them on a psychiatric drug. 

The conversation played on Matt Walsh's video centered around Adderall and Ritalin.  What wasn't included was Tom Cruise's criticism of Brooke Shields' use of medication for postpartum depression. 

Tom Cruise mentions psychiatric abuse, the history of psychiatry, and the drugging of children.  He adds that there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance and he has gone far back in the research to understand how the faulty theory took on a life of its own. 

So, Molecular Psychiatry published an umbrella study last week showing there is no evidence that low serotonin is correlated with depression.  Please take note, this study was a collaboration of scientists from the U.K., Switzerland, and Italy.  Would this have happened in the U.S.?  I highly doubt it.  

On a side note highlighting the bias in American research, the researchers who published findings that popular drugs caused mitochondrial damage revealed it was very difficult getting published because it was an ugly truth about prescription medications.  Academic freedom and peer review are jokes.  (I'm not laughing.)

There is a strong, rich pharmaceutical lobby.    You understand which groups pay for TV advertising.  Remember that.

I recently read an article discussing the questionable ideas about inflammation.  Inflammation may NOT be the enemy or the cause of diseases, such as atherosclerosis. The author had surprising findings that led to a  backlash.  Publishers don't want to upset the apple cart when old ideas are shown to be wrong.  Doctors are in a panic if their entire career is based on faulty information.  

Many have questioned the biological theory of mental illness for a long time. I was one of them. For example, Linus Pauling  was one who had strong opinions, and experiences with Orthomoleculuar Psychiatry. Peter Breggin also knew drugs were not the answer.  I wrote about him in my Doctors Who Jumped Ship Series.  

This news story about the debunked  serotonin theory can no longer be hidden, thanks to Molecular Psychiatry.  The news has to report on it, finally. In addition, I will mention, Molecular Psychiatry is the same journal that highlighted subluxation based chiropractic (a brain specific niche in chiropractic) as a very successful approach to addiction treatment, with longer lasting results (2001). We have so many safe treatments that are the opposite of the brain damaging poisoning of psychiatric drugs. 

My master's degree was not about drugging.  I was learning how to introduce people to new ways of thinking, helping them work through their problems so they could be self empowered.  My goal was to help people grow from their challenges.  (Not numb them from their challenges.)

That's why I first studied to become a teacher at SUNY Cortland. My passion was short lived because of a compelling talk in my creative discipline class taught by Dr. Thomas Lickona.  That one day, it was brought to our attention that Japan had a very high rate of student suicides. 

This reminded me of our neighbor to the south, Cornell University.  The gorges and bridges have been sites of many suicides. Although, Cornell does not have a higher rate of suicides among colleges, it's still a sobering thought.  During my freshmen year at Ithaca college, one week before Thanksgiving break, a student jumped to his death from the 13th floor of the East Tower. That may have had an impact on me. 

So, during my fourth year of college discussing suicide rates for Japanese students, I was wondering if I really wanted to be part of any kind of high pressure educational system.  I knew then I was going to eventually become a counselor. 

The emphasis on medication for mental illness threw me for a loop.  In my position as a therapist, I quickly learned the ins and outs of psychotropic medication.  

When I first heard of the biological theory of mental illness, I was confused. I didn't learn it in my master's program and it was just a given in the psychiatric world.  I wondered how it was known that someone had an imbalance of brain chemicals?  I wondered if people really had chemical imbalances in their brains, shouldn't they be dead?  I mean, it's a legit question worth asking.  No one talked about measuring these chemicals.  Would you have to cut open the brain?  But if you had 5 out of 10 symptoms, according to the DSM, (a big fat book that makes you look really smart) congratulations!  You are depressed.  Now take these toxic substances....forever!

It became depressing to me.   People got worse.  They did not get better.  They were called non-compliant if they complained about side effects or quit taking them. Family members belittled them.  It was not a pleasant environment sometimes.  And when professionals are fed up with someone's darkness, ship them off to the hospital so you can have a break.  It's not a break for the patient. It is a nightmare. 

I ran a support group for people labeled "bi-polar."  They were devastated that they could no longer cry.  This was a medication side effect. They became robots. Many were severely preoccupied with suicide feeling as if it was their only way out. Their lives were miserable. But I had strong empathy and my eyes were wide open to the over emphasis on drugs stripping away people's self respect and independence. 

And, the mind-body connection was ignored.  When patients fell through the cracks because they talked about physical pain, they were sent off to internal medicine.  When their tests were normal, they were told it was all in their heads.  Bounced around with no one taking a real interest in their misery. 

I decided I couldn't participate in a system that I would never send my family members to. Black box warnings weren't a thing until 2004, but I saw the writing on the wall.  SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) were bad news. I knew this back in 1995.  And it took so many decades for the institutions to admit it was a fraud.  

I left my job to go to chiropractic college.  I learned on my own that chiropractic had a successful history helping people with mental challenges.  Chiropractic hospitals were a huge success until they faded away, thanks to the drug monopoly.  

It's also disappointing how my chiropractic forefathers in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s  have whittled chiropractic down to a back pain specialty.  Nothing special about that.  They abandoned the successful chiropractic hospitals. They gutted the real approach to whole body health just to feel accepted in the sandbox rather than stand up for health freedom OR TRUTH.

The interesting follow up on the Tom Cruise sound bytes is he is being criticized for being a scientologist.  For some reason his opinion should be barred from public discourse. Yet, he is certainly allowed to do his own research and come up with a conclusion. 

I am a chiropractor, and the same goes for me.  How can I be so critical of a health care program?  Because I look at what doesn't make the news.  I look at the information that's placed on the back shelf. I dig for the buried stories that aren't popular. 

Many medical frauds could no longer be hidden away.  Illegal research such as Tuskegee eventually was revealed. The deception of Thalidomide couldn't be hidden.  A Chocrane Review published this year (2022) shows 94% of established interventions are not evidence based.  Are you following the crowd just because it's the thing to do?

Let's look over the timeline of voices trying to get the truth out:

Linus Pauling - 1960s

Peter Breggin - 1970s to the present

Tom Cruise - He happened to have an opportunity on a talk show in 2005, yet he is told to stay in his lane.  But this is everybody's lane.  

I don't want to be told there is only one option for my health.  You don't want your loved ones suffering because of misleading information.

Matt Walsh touches on subjects that get people emotionally riled up.  I get especially riled up over deceptive medical practices that are obviously dangerous. Poison is not progress. It never will be. 

Do you want to build your health in a way that is logical? Are you interested in working with your body, not against it?  Yes, this requires you to redefine health, and redefine treatment approaches.  I redefine what pain and sickness really means, so you are not at a loss and full of fear.  You already have the tools.  You just need to learn how to use them. 

I teach that.  I teach you to ask the unpopular questions and not shrink away from unpopular answers. 

Chiropractic is a teaching method.  I teach you to make different choices.  I teach your spine to help your brain perceive the environment properly. 

Brain First is Body Freedom.

Coming up: "Bone on Bone." Why it is irresponsible to ever say it.

--Dr. Lisa

Your Health Freedom Coach

Liberating Your Nervous System from Unacceptable Ideas (like aging)

Expand Your Talents Beyond Your Comfort Zone.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

When Common Dietary Beliefs Backfire: Will You Take Notice or Blame Something Else?

You're eating what everyone tells you is healthy, right?  So, why do you feel awful???? 

I just listened to Darren Schmidt's two latest videos and had to upload them here on my blog. 

What really makes a difference with people is not taking loads of tests to come up with names of diseases like Lymes, toxic mold, heavy metals, or cancer. 

What matters is how strong is your nervous system?  And is your nervous system stuck in fight or flight (which leads the body to exhaustion and an inability to recover and rebuild)?

You may be in a chronic state of ultra-hyper fight or flight.  You don't even have a "fighting chance." The approaches you try may be feeding into the ultra-hyper fight or flight.

I utilize chiropractic and nutrition to help the nervous system navigate the rebuilding process. 

It's a different way of thinking.  

I particularly like how Dr. Schmidt presents the topic of dietary mistakes that rob you of your resilience.  If you don't recognize that a routine is harming you, you might put the blame on something else, totally missing the mark.  

If you're "missing the mark," because old information is still wrecking you, let's talk about it. 

Who would have thought vegetables could be so surprisingly unhealthy ..... check this out. 

And this video talks about feeding the body after a long time of lack, along with toxic exposure.  (We are all at risk!)

Saturday, July 09, 2022

Think Nothing of It


Today I was sitting in my car parked at Wegmans about to go inside.  A couple walked past my vehicle and headed up the street. 

I was very familiar with this couple and would have said, "Hi," if they weren't trucking along at a steady pace. I've known this couple for more than twenty years.

When I was in chiropractic college, I worked part time at two agencies that served people with developmental disabilities and/or mental illness.  I haven't been employed with these agencies since 2003 but I run into my previous clients all the time.  

They're cheerful, talkative, and always delighted to see me.  So, when I was still sitting in my car at Wegmans, I marveled at their energy.  There they go.  I realized, they have got to be in their 70s by now.  They both retired from their jobs a few years back.  

They were high tailing it down the street as if no one bothered to tell them they are in their 70s.  They think nothing of it.  I've never heard them complain about anything.  They just appreciate every day. 

They think nothing of it. 

They don't have hyper-wired limbic systems.  They are the calmest people I know.  They aren't linked into the modern societal thoughts of peer pressure, impressing others, or even jealousy. 

They think nothing of it.

They didn't hear the message to slow down, grumble, and sit in front of the TV.  They might watch some TV, but they don't drive, so most of their time is spent outside.  And they walk all over the place. 

They think nothing of it. 

Whatever subtle messages the rest of us have buzzing in our brains grinding us into an unhealthy state of function, they don't have it. 

Remember my biggest message: brain first is body freedom, because brain first and the body follows.  And while we tend to be preoccupied with pain, we must accept that pain is a pattern.   It is much more healthy to change a pattern than stifle a pain with no acknowledgment of the useful purpose of the pain.  

Chiropractic is a very profound tool we use to re-teach the brain. 

If you were as devoted to your brain (via the spine) as much as my friends walked on a daily basis, what would your health be like?

--Dr. Lisa

Your Health Freedom Coach

Liberating Your Nervous System from Unacceptable Ideas (like aging)

Expand Your Talents Beyond Your Comfort Zone.

Brain First *Is* Body Freedom

The Brain First Protocol

What's new on YouTube?

Friday, July 08, 2022

What My Patients Say

The most revealing comment I get from my patients is that they find it very frustrating that they can't convince their family members and friends to come in to see me. 

This is not specifically about the benefits of chiropractic care and the Brain First/Body Freedom Protocol, but it highlights the difficulty people have with change and taking a deep look at new ideas that aren't familiar. 

I have practice members (my preferred title for the folks who come to me) who came from chronic, messy life styles who were dramatically turned around.  

I say chronic, messy life styles because it a more useful way to describe their challenges. They often have very severe disease diagnoses that automatically leads them to put up mental barriers.  They remain stuck behind medical terminology that prevents them from breaking down their situation into workable solutions.

That's a mouthful so, I'll explain a bit more. I am not accusing my practice members of having messy life styles.  It is a a delicate way of describing the "locked in" situation they feel trapped in by a medical consensus that is not empowering.  The pharmaceutical approach does not get to the crux of the problem.  The real burden is an over-extended, exhausted nervous system. 

Naturally after months of hard work, practice members who put in a ton of sacrifice toward their self improvement,  are excited and want to share their success with their friends and family. 

However, it's more like an alien coming down from outer space trying to communicate in an unrecognizable language. They get no where. 

I feel for them because I have the same frustration level. I hope I am explaining what I do in a way that is positive, inspirational and doable.  People don't want to try something that sounds too difficult. 

And the pharmaceutical world convinces you that there isn't much else out there.  The mainstream world repeatedly states chronic illness an be managed but not improved.  Nice message, right?  Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.  (Sarcasm.)

I tell my practice members to relax and don't over-talk.  Just let your friends and family watch you.  Wait for them to ask questions then give them a little bit of information so they don't run and hide. 

Every individual nervous system has it's own tipping point based on past experiences. You can only learn new things when the pre-frontal cortex is relaxed and ready to take in new information. 

Don't give up, but don't stay sad, either.  It took you a little while to seek out something new. 

People continue to come to my office for months or years and receive the most basic chiropractic care until the light bulb finally turns on and they take the deeper dive to help themselves in more dramatic ways. 

I'm staying as patient as I can be, too. 

Expand your talents beyond your comfort zone every day. 

--Dr. Lisa

Your Health Freedom Coach

Liberating Your Nervous System from Unacceptable, Un-serving Ideas

Brain First *Is* Body Freedom
