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Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Trade Off: Make Careful Decisions

Making Decisions You Can Live With

Check out all the Brain Snob episodes on YouTube

We need a healthy brain in order to make good choices. Try to make a life decision while you are under stress, feeling fearful, etc. It doesn't work out so well.

Mental stress turns to physical stress in the body.

We make trade-offs hoping for the best. This is the challenge of life. How long can we beat up our tissue reserves before the body cries, "Uncle?"

In this video I mention how I was offered the free drugs we kept locked up in the nurse's cabinet. I was dealing with a situational depression so it was considered a thoughtful gesture to offer it to help me feel better. My response: No thank you. I need to feel this. I need to learn from this. I need to have a clear head to work it out. Thinking back I probably wasn't clear headed as I made numerous unwise decisions that lead up to a personal crisis without the use of any medications prior. (Such irony, right?) Why would I add a medicinal component to my body's chemistry when I was already feeling normal nervous system processes, albeit uncomfortable but normal? I hope you enjoy my story and it inspires you to follow the Brain First Always Protocol.

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