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Sunday, September 30, 2007

60 Minutes Questions Drugs for Children

I just watched the 60 Minutes episode about toddlers being treated with drugs for bipolar disorder. Psychiatrists believe 2 year old children can be depressed and manic. A mom and dad are charged with murder because their 3 year old daughter died of heart and lung damage due to prolonged drug abuse, according to the medical examiner. The mother was interviewed saying she was only following the directions on the bottles...
Yes, I said bottles. Three different drugs because the child was "driving me crazy." And, the other children in this family are also diagnosed with mental disorders and there was a huge risk on this child because of a family history.

Here are my questions that were not asked in the 60 Minutes episode:

What is this family's home life like?

What kind of nutrition is this family eating?

Did this child have a traumatic birth?

How healthy was the mom during her pregnancy?

Did this child ever suffer a serious trauma such as a fall or shaking?

Were there any reactions from vaccines, even if they were weeks after the administrations?

What could life have been like if every family member was getting chiropractic adjustments?

I cannot over emphasize the different ways spinal distortions, spinal injuries, and progression of subluxations affect the quality of life of the individual.

Help me spread the word.

See you at the table...the adjusting table.

Dr. Lisa's Resource Library

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Silent Majority: Subluxations Out of Control Derailing Our Health

I was listening to a radio show that mentioned the "silent majority" of people who dislike the current entertainment trends negatively influencing society. This "silent majority" remains silent because it seems futile to speak out against it.

As a chiropractor who teaches the common neurological progression of all dis-eases in the body and mind are connected to the subluxation is in the silent majority as well. When people are not educated or ignore the science of subluxation degeneration, they have turned their back on a critical health problem in this world.

There is no point in saying heart disease and cancer are the number one killers in the U.S. While these diagnoses appears to be the immediate cause of death on autopsy reports or death certificates, no one can argue the lifetime accumulation of stress that has damaged organs, blood vessels, nerves, and the communication system of the body that coordinates healing.

Subluxations play an incredible role in maintaining health, yet, only a small portion of the population take this threat seriously. Rather than comment on the lack of information disseminated in public service announcements or the problems with insurance coverage and non-chiropractors attempting to illegally practice chiropractic without a license, I only need to repeat one sentence from a chiropractic class called the neurological basis of disease:

Only 10% of all nociceptive nerve signals reach the brain.

Nociception is a process when something noxious or not normal is happening in the body and the nerves received this message. The spinal cord filters out these signals and only 10% of the time the brain notified. If these signals do not reach the brain, you do not feel any pain. If you do not feel any pain, you assume all is well.

Subluxations are not painful 90% of the time but they continuously downgrade the nervous system's ability to respond to stress and heal.

Many are not concerned with the silent majority called subluxations. I am concerned about it every day of my life.

While you may have different priorities regarding your chiropractic care, I am focused on the silent effects of subluxations.

For more information, please visit the science page of my web site and ask questions during your visit.

Create Purpose ~~ Science


Friday, September 21, 2007

The Unappreciated Cervical Spine: Chiropractic & the Balance Factor

If we consider the mechanical aspects of the neck, it will only excite the nerdy chiropractors ( I am "nerdy chiropractor" up to a point). From an anatomical and physiological view point, the neck is a very busy part of the body. Not only does it support the brain, thyroid, and let you eat your dinner, the neck is a very important transport point for nerves that control the autonomic nervous system. These are the information super high-ways that keep your vital functions going.

In a more holistic perspective it connects the head and the heart and you truly need to be in touch with both to live well. Historically there has been the argument: which is more powerful -- living through your head or your heart? Your head allows you to think through possible consequences of your choices. Your heart gives you emotional feedback, as well. We use them both at different times for different reasons, for different outcomes.

But never forget...the neck that is in the middle.
The cervical spine is the life line.

Staying balanced is key. That includes your head and your heart. And, all the physical and non-physical aspects of the nervous system.

See you at the table...the adjusting table.


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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What's Screaming the Loudest: Priorities & the Squeaky Wheel [The Insanity of Time Management Stress]

What is screaming the loudest right now? What is blaring in your head?

1. Car repairs so I am not stranded
2. Cat food so those happy scratchers stay docile
3. The last person I was talking to on the phone

Let's shift out of that pattern for a moment and take a look at what is quiet in your mind.

My day off away from the phone never speaks up
The calming walk along my favorite stream is in last place right now
My gratitude attitude and prayer time
Reading to my child

The old saying is right; the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
But the quiet wheel gives back so much more.

The same is true with your chiropractic adjustment. How much more efficient can you be with your mind-body synchronicity pumped up a notch?

See you at the table...the adjusting table.

Invitation to Heal

Coach yourself to Greatness

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Put It To Good Use: Harness Innate Intelligence for Emotional Freedom

At your next adjustment make a mental note of your emotional state and how well your subluxations are released. It is amazing how stored emotions and the effects of stress and time are felt in the spine. Ask me what I notice on your spine.

When you see a flashing red light on a state troopers car in the rear view window while you are driving, what is the first thing that you feel? Does you heart start to beat fast and your stomach develop a number of wrenching knots?

When someone you don't like or have a great deal of conflict with walks into the room and you see that person, what immediately happens inside of you? Do you feel a sense of dread that distracts you from what you are doing? Do you have trouble carrying on a conversation? Do you suddenly feel all your energy drain?

These are very strong reactions. Can you imagine how much cortisol is secreted by the body during this time. For some people these reactions completely disorganize them and takes them away from their potential accomplishments. It is a terrible time stealer because it takes quite awhile to recover from these reactions and get back into a more positive mood. Studies have shown when people watch scary movies their body chemistry changes.

Remember the first time you saw the love of your life? Ah...this sentence can get the heart racing of an entire country.

Think back to your favorite meal and the people you were sitting with during that meal? Was it a holiday? Were you with your family? Can you smell the aromas? Do you feel a sense of calm and warmth with this memory?

These feelings can be powerful. Which ones would you like to have more of? I haven't had any speeding tickets in more than ten years. I used to panic whenever a police car was behind me and would be in agony for miles and miles until it made a turn somewhere. If I see a police car now, I don't sweat it. I know I am not speeding and I am perfectly confident everything is okay.

Work with them or work against them. How do you use your feelings?

Your innate intelligence is always working for you. Does it work better when you are in a positive state? Your innate intelligence doesn't mind negative emotions, but prefers you learn from them so balance is quickly restored.

At your next adjustment make a mental note of your emotional state and how well your subluxations are released. It is amazing how stored emotions and the effects of stress and time are felt in the spine. Ask me what I notice on your spine.

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Dr. Lisa's Resource Library

That Someday is Now...What Are You Waiting For?

Click on this link for a short, inspirational story.
If the link is off a bit, click on this title That Someday is Now.

This week's Mind-Body Synchronicity topic is Saving for a Rainy Day...Why? We think it is just another way to reject yourself.

Come in this week for your D.N.A. Adjusting session to get in on the discussion.
Coach Yourself to Greatness

Drink Up Lose Weight

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Babies Have the Advantage: Their Mental Energy is Brand New

I'll tell you without a doubt I am so glad I don't have to repeat high school again. How many of you agree with me?

I do envy babies, though. They come into the world with a fresh mind. They have not had a lifetime of negative emotions to absorb.

Because of this, they are so magnificent when they get adjusted! Infants who are labeled with "failure to thrive," respond so quickly to a chiropractic adjustment. While it is of upmost importance to get all children checked for subluxations when they are born because subluxations can damge the body with no outward signs for years, these miraculous stories touch the heart. Look at the case studies in this article:

It is a great reminder how we should not interfere with the natural healing process. Babies have no idea what chiropractic is. They don't care that it began in 1895 when a deaf janitor had his hearing restored. They don't care about chiropractors who went to jail for standing up for what they believe in. Babies don't care there are mixed opinions about the proper age to receive your first adjustment.

This also shows how our adult emotions and beliefs profoundly allow us to heal or help us to die.

Chiropractic clears out things you aren't even aware are harming you.

When you are on the table for your next adjustment, become a baby. All babies care about is communicating their need for human contact. They don't weigh the pros and cons and worry about the opinions of others, they just want love.

Be a baby who is free of adult programming so innate intelligence can take care of business.

Babies don't know they need adjusting. They just love the feeling safe, warm, and comfortable.

What else do emotions have to do with your health?

See you at the table...the adjusting table.

Coach Yourself to Greatness

The Numbers Don't Lie Diet: How to Stop Lying to Yourself

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What Can You Do With More Energy?

Here is some news from one practice member. She is part of the Ladies Auxiliary Lodge 2367 on Newport Rd., Camillus, NY. She is getting ready for the the spaghetti supper served every 2nd Tuesday, and the chicken and biscuits every 3rd Wednesday. There is also a garage sale coming up September 29th.

Helping the Troops
The biggest job these ladies are doing right now is sending boxes of treats and small items for our troops overseas. The ladies are putting these boxes together themselves. If I understood her correctly, they each do 1-2 boxes a month.

What a go-getter! And she doesn't need any subluxations slowing her down.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Enlighten Your Cells

Have you subscribed yet with the new feed link?

Last week we had great discussions during DNA Adjusting sessions. One member reminded us that cells have memory.

Here is a link from a practitioner in Australia that explains it quite eloquently: Cellular Healing.

With our work on mind-body synchronicity, we can have a positive impact on our health. We can enlighten our cells by delivering a feeling of appreciation deep into our body because we are grateful and delighted to have such an intense innate intelligence taking care of us.

Your chiropractic adjustment gives your body that special "nudge" that allows this positive energy to take off and reach your cells!!

We've mentioned before that there are emotional footprints left behind every subluxation. Chiropractic releases these along with the subluxations during the adjustment.

We will continue to Enlighten our Cells at every DNA Adjusting Session.

Here's another great resource to share with you. I have a link here for an interview with the author of The Genie in Your Genes. No, I didn't interview him, but it is great example of the seemingly subtle but truly not energy processes that are so intricately connected between the mind and body.
What does chiropractic have to do with your DNA?

We develop weaknesses in the spine, called subluxations, that negatively change how the nervous system works. We store subluxations in our body because of incomplete or poor healing due to our stressful environment and life-style. Because the nervous system correlates all functions of the body, that includes how well DNA functions and replicates. Chiropractic adjustments release subluxations from the body while chiropractors teach how to assist the body with other healthy behaviors.

Chiropractic research has shown that people who receive regular chiropractic adjustments have better DNA activity demonstrated through serum testing.

What else is in the news
Chiropractic & Diabetes
Chiropractic & Blood Pressure
Chiropractic & Anxiety

Chiropractic is not a treatment for anything, but it is an essential way to promote all that is you, mind & body.

See you at the table...the chiropractic table.

Create Purpose

Dr. Homic's Resource Library

Coach Yourself to Greatness


Saturday, September 08, 2007

Deepak Chopra Knows How to Talk to Himself

The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years."
-- Deepak Chopra
How do Affirmations Work?
Listen to Heath Nicholson interview Jeff Staniforth on how he used affirmations to reach his success. CLICK HERE


DrHomic Library

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Greeting the Teachers

Use Thought Sparks to Ignite Your Life
Labor Day is over and kids are back in school. All the teachers have resumed their mission as they greet their newest classes. It is an exciting time of the year as the season changes to the cool, crisp weather. It's time for football, apple picking, pumpkin carving, and grade school concerts.

To all the teachers who have the important job of inspiring and motivating our youth, we thank you for your dedication. Be sure to stick to your adjusting schedule. Subluxations need to be released and you don't want to store any subluxations.

And to everyone else...
Our learning days never end. Remember if you're not learning, you're not living. At Homic Advanced Chiropractic we want everyone to advance their thinking to advance their living. That is why the D.N.A. Adjusting Sessions have begun at the office. It provides you a convenient way to continue your learning about:
  • Subluxations and how we store them in our bodies
  • Mental rehearsal and using it to reach your goals
  • Mind-body synchronicity and how it gives you powerful energy
  • Dynamic neuroadaptive repatterning and how chiropractic adjustments accelerate the process

See you at the table...the adjusting table


Coach Yourself to Greatness

Drink Up Lose Weight