What happens when you are subluxated:
Cortisol increases
Blood sugar increases
Leptin decreases & belly fat increases
Hormones become dysfunctional
Hypothalamus becomes dysfunctional
Thyroid becomes dysfunctional
Adrenals become fatigued
Metabolism slows
Blood pressure increases
You can't sleep
You have no energy
(and more...... not enough room here.......)
What happens when you release subluxations with adjustments:
Decreases pro-inflaming cytokines (bad guys)
Increases pro-regulatory cytokines (good guys)
Increases CD-4 helpter T-cells (good guys)
Blocks TNF (bad guys)
Decreases CRP (bad guys)
The Adjustment Influences the Prefrontal Cortex of the Brain
(the conductor of the whole brain)
movement coordination
thinking focus
behavior goal directed tasks
decision making memory attention
pain processing emotional response to pain
autonomic function (just about everything)
motor control eye movement spacial awareness
fall prevention muscle strength
pelvic floor control mental rotation of objects