(In last week's Citizen) In this month's article I want to discuss retirement. I get to
work with a lot of retired people, and I must admit that I am
jealous. I shouldn't it hold it against them. After all they put in
many years of work ahead of me. For now, I get to share in the their
adventures as their chiropractor.
I had one practice member, God rest his soul, who entered
retirement about the time I started preschool. Statistics show the
average number of years in retirement is about eighteen, so this
gentlemen far exceeded that.
Many folks are not ready to leave the work force so they are doing
some type of consulting in their field or they are trying out a brand
new vocation. The others are busy with sports, hobbies and
volunteering. One thing they have in common is they value their time
now that they have more flexibility with the activities they choose.
There are also many people of retirement age who aren't living the
life of leisure. Sixty-five percent of Americans don't have enough
money saved for retirement. The average cost for a married couple's
medical care is $215,000. And by the time someone turns sixty-five,
about 29% of that person's friends will already be dead.
I had one practice member tell me he had to retire to get healthy.
That sounds unusual, but it was very true for his situation and I
don't doubt he is alone. It can be a full time endeavor to regain
For all of us, younger or older, this should make us think about
the ways we spend our time now. Will the things we do today make us
better people in the future, or will we have regrets?
The best part of my job is that that no one needs to be turned
away from chiropractic. There is always room for improvement.
Whether someone has great heath or poor health, we can always work
together to to achieve a better quality of life.
If you have concerns about mental or physical well being, I will
help you understand why an organized nervous system is necessary for
the body. Health breaks down because the nervous system becomes
overwhelmed. Over time the overwhelmed nervous system can't send
healing messages, and the messages become destructive to the body.
Chiropractic addresses the delivery of healing messages that are
impacted by spinal stress. While you can change the stress in your
life, you still need chiropractic to undo the negative patterns that
were already memorized by the nervous system.
The type of chiropractic approaches and techniques used always
differ from person person. This is because we all have varying levels
of stress and damage. For the retired people I work with, they won't
settle for less. They have big plans and want good health in order to
meet their goals.
If you're not retired yet, get ready now with your chiropractor.
Today should be the day you plan your long term health strategy in
the similar way you are saving and investing with you financial