The #1 challenge for all of us is to understand how amazing we are and to embrace it. The sophisticated innate intelligence is always taking care of the body. But then we stop short and switch over to the disease model. The body is amazing, yet it can't be trusted. Not very productive. Everything the body does is correct for the situation, even if it makes us uncomfortable. A better understanding of this can reduce the anxiety that makes pain more intense. I expect inflammation and swelling if the body needs time to repair and replace tissue. We don't want to interrupt the process. We want to work with it, in a partnership.
The nervous system coordinates all body functions, and we must remember that every system is involved with every injury or rebuilding process. Nothing in the body happens independently. This is the masterpiece.
If you are injured or fatigued, your circulation responds, your heart beat responds, your endocrine system such as the thyroid and adrenals responds, your lungs respond, your body temperature responds. Your skeletal system responds. Your digestive rhythm changes. Even your hearing and eyesight respond.
When coming to the chiropractor, I hope we aren't compartmentalizing the body. We do ourselves a disservice.
I adjust the spine in order to beef up the brain's attentiveness to the situation. The first step is to calm the fight or flight response so the body can get back to the essential process of repair. That may mean spiking a fever. It may mean reducing a fever. It may increase inflammation, or decrease inflammation. It may speed up the intestines or slow down the intestines. It's all based on the brain's focus on immediate needs to get the job done.
Many people come to me and say, "I hurt here," and point. That's the sensation that gets the most attention, but there's so much more going on in the body that we take for granted.
It may appear that I am a "hinge doctor." Adjusting the spine helps improve motion, but the brain gets a whole lot more information from that adjustment.
So much happens with your masterpiece.
You are a Masterpiece! Live Like It1 Be Proud! Be Unstoppable!
How the Adjustment and the Brain Work Together:
(Studied and Measured)
The Adjustment Influences the Prefrontal Cortex of the Brain
(the conductor of the whole brain)
movement coordination
thinking focus
behavior goal directed tasks
decision making memory attention
pain processing emotional response to pain
autonomic function (just about everything)
motor control eye movement spacial awareness
fall prevention muscle strength
pelvic floor control mental rotation of objects
*Normalizing Blood Pressure
*Mood and Attention Improvement
*Blood Glucose efficiency– decreases insulin resistance
*Improvements and/or Reversal of neurodegenerative brain physiology (HUGE!)
*Epigenetic Changes – this changes fertility and short & long term offspring physiology
*Increase ATP – which is a “game-changer” for many reasons
*Telomere shortening – one of GREATEST “anti-aging” strategies in health today!
*Heart Disease – #1 contributor to heart disease in men and women is increased sustained sympathetic tone
*Immune System – Radically affects the immune system. Better than any marketable strategy medicine has to offer
Brain Changes
*One study noted the changes made in brain patterns and activity was more in one session than multiple weeks of standard psychological treatment made to brain!(You should know that brain-based neurophysiologists get their mind blown when they get to see the power of an adjustment on the brain!)
*Chiropractic was also shown to improve muscle strength, stability, and fatigue more in one session than 3 weeks of weight training! (Mind-Blowing!!)
Let me throw a few musculoskeletal benefits in here:
*Increases mobility and reduces Spinal Degeneration – degeneration shown to set in within 10-14 days with reduced mobility.
*5x better at musculoskeletal pain reduction than celebrex and vioxx combined (sad part here is that celebrex and vioxx together gross more $ per year ALONE than the entire chiropractic profession….the world desperately needs what we do!)
What else happens when you release subluxations with adjustments:
Decrease pro-inflaming cytokines (bad guys) ***
Increase neurotensin
Increase pro-regulatory cytokines (good guys) ***
Increase oxytocin
Increase CD-4 helpter T-cells (good guys) ***
Increase orexin A
Block TNF (bad guys) ***
Better cortisol response
Decrease CRP (bad guys) ***
Increase DNA repair with maintenance
**** I don't follow the good inflammation/bad inflammation belief. Inflammation is a purposeful form of repair. Higher levels of inflammation indicate the repair has been ineffective due to higher stress levels, higher toxin levels.